Meet and Greet

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Your pov,
"Uhh do I really!" I groan placing my head in my hands,

"I can't go with Kate I have work and she will not be going alone to that concert" my mother added handing me the two tickets and surprising two meet and greets

"Oh she gets meet and greet passes but I can't get a new laptop" I mumbled

"I'll see you two after work" she kissed my head and went over to my sister I sighed staring at the tickets, I don't even know this Camila Cabello I think she's the girl that was in Fifth Harmony,

"I'm so excited I just wished I didn't have to take your boring ass" my sister added going to the fridge to get a drink,

"Hey I'm the one driving you there so be nice" I added taking her coke "give it back" she groan pushing me I laughed walking away "dickhead!" She yelled.

"Oh my god, oh my god I can't breathe" I looked at my sister with a raised brow then looking back to the road "we just left the house"

"Shut up" I chuckled stopping at a red light and facing her "you look cute" I added slightly ruffing her hair making her smack my hand away "don't touch my hair" I rolled my eyes and she sighed crossing her arms and looking to the window "you...look good too" she mumbled making me smile and continuing the drive, we kinda were matching which was cute, I had a white t-shirt with black ripped jeans and my white huaraches also to top it off a black bomber jacket and Kate had the opposite black shirt and white ripped jeans, black huaraches and olive green bomber jacket.

We got to the venue I guess and we were heading to meet and greet,

"So is this Camila Cabello person good?" Kate looked at me like I was crazy "do you live under a rock big sis? Camila is fucking amazing her music is so good I listen to her all the time when we're in the car" I raised a brow kinda confused I don't remember ever hearing a song of hers

"Well is she hot" she rolled her eyes and laughed "she's famous I don't think she'll fall for your ugly ass" I laughed following after her "she's still a person you never know"

While we were waiting to meet this Camila Cabello girl I decided to look her up and I was right she was in Fifth Harmony also her music is really good she's very beautiful too and she seems kinda dorky which i find very cute,

"We're next I think I'm going to die" I locked my phone and wrapped my arm around my sister "relax little one she's just like us no need to freak out" she smiled and sighed.

We walked up and I let my sister go first "Hi there beautiful" my sister blushed freaking out a little "oh my god HI!" The famous singer just giggled giving my sister a hug and she looked up locking eyes with me and I felt this weird spark in my stomach,

"Hi" i just waved awkwardly getting that beautiful smile from her "Y/n hurry it up" my sister waved me over for the picture,

"You two are sisters right"she asked standing in between us "Yeah she's my annoying older sister" i rolled my eyes hearing Camila laugh

"Let's get our pictures" Camila added pulling me closer to her side and Kate on her opposite,

"Can I hug you?" I chuckled hearing Kate she sounded so shy not as usual "of course sweetie" Kate wrapped her arms around the singer and I wrapped my arm around Camila's shoulder she leaned against me and we faced the camera.

"I love you I can't wait to see the show" Kate squealed pulling away "i can't wait for you to see it I hope you have fun" Camila added  

"Alright sis you can let go of her" Kate smirked and I didn't even notice I still had my arm around her and she was still leaning against me "oh uh sorry" I mumbled and I noticed a little blush on her cheeks we had to continue on because she still had a lot more people to greet so we said our goodbyes and last hugs and left I couldn't wait to see her show now.

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