Part III: Coffee Morning

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Today I had decided to go out with my friends to a little cafe not too far from home. Jamie was going to be at a work dinner tonight, so I didn't have the task of cooking to do when I returned. As we were chatting away over coffee, my phone buzzed into life. I checked the caller ID, but the number was private. All of my close friends were with me and Jamie keeps his ID on, so who was this?

"Hello?", I answered.

"Hey, it's me... Can you talk?", replied a husky voice that I didn't recognise on the other end of the line.

"Sorry, who is this?"

"It's Luke. Luke Andrews?"

"Oh god... L-Luke... How did you get this number?!" I asked, my voice getting higher and more panicky by every word. Luke Andrews is a man that I dated for 5 years - I guess we were high school sweethearts. It all started off well, but after a while he became... obsessive. Sometimes even violent. He made me quit my job, I couldn't see my friends unless I had his permission - I was completely dependent on him. The worst part was that I loved him, and no matter how many times I was told this was wrong, I chose to believe that he wasn't a bad guy - that he just loved me too much. It ended when he hit me one night for missing his calls, I finally found the courage to leave. We hadn't spoken since.

"I've been looking for you... Listen... I miss you. What I did was wrong and I'm so sorry. But we have something here with us I know it. I know you still love me, you have to. We can't just let what we had go. Can I meet you somewhere to talk about this? Please?"

"Luke, I'm sorry but what we 'had' - it's gone. I've moved on now - I'm married for goodness sake! Happily married. You need to move on too. Goodbye, Luke." I hung up the phone. Suddenly I felt a huge sense of relief. I finally had closure from this man. I blocked the number and returned my attention to my friends.

Later that evening I was curled up on the sofa with my favourite book at the minute: 'The Girl On The Train'. I heard the key turn in the lock and checked the time - 7.30PM. This was weird. Jamie wasn't meant to be back until 9PM. I checked my phone - no calls from him. Walking down the corridor to the door, I saw it open. Behind it was a tall, bulky man dressed in faded jeans and a hoodie. It wasn't Jamie. I ran back to where I came from in search of my phone and managed to dial Jamie's number before the man came into the room.

"JAMIE HEL-" was all I could say before the stranger threw my phone to the other side of the room and dragged me out of the house. For a split second, the light hit his face and I saw a piercing green eye from underneath the hood - it was Luke.

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