Part IV

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Luke tossed me into the back seat of his car and backed out of the driveway. Unfortunately I knew he could become violent when he was angry, so I decided not to struggle against him and try and talk him out of this madness.

"Luke," I spoke, my voice a little wary.

"You have a husband?" He replied, his voice gruff and raspy as if he'd been shouting. "Never thought to tell me, eh?"

"I've moved on, Luke, thats all. I loved you - a lot. That will never change. It's just that you hurt me, really bad. I was scared of you. I just- I needed to be safe. Jamie makes me happy." I saw his hands grip tighter on the steering wheel.

"Jamie? Thats his name is it?"

"He hasn't done anything, Luke. Neither have I. We broke up and I found somebody else - it happens. Please just stop this. Take me home, you're scaring me."

He didn't reply, just kept his gaze fixed firmly on the road in front of him. It was raining heavily outside of the car, and the sound of the droplets hitting the window relaxed me to some extent. In this cold, dark winter night I couldn't properly make out the surroundings. All I could see was the road markings, illuminated by a few street lamps, dotted up and down the street. We had been driving for around 20 minutes, and I was beginning to shiver from only being in a thin, cream nightie.

"Luke," I murmured, my voice wavering, nervous. He grumbled in response."I'm really cold. Could you put the heating on? Please." I almost begged, not wanting to anger him. He flicked a switch on the dash board, and reached over to the passenger seat to pick up the throw that was folded up on the chair. He threw it into the back without taking his eyes off of the road, still silent. "Thank you", I whispered, burying my chilly body underneath the blanket and pulling my knees in towards my chest. I missed Jamie. I missed my home and my book and my slippers. I wanted to be anywhere but in the back of this car with this man right now.

It seemed like we'd been on the road for hours, maybe because of the silence, maybe because we actually had. I resorted to laying sideways across the seats, catching Luke's eye in the rear view mirror as I did so. I gave him a pleading, almost puppy-dog look, and his face seemed to soften momentarily before he snapped his gaze back to the road again. We drove on and on, and I became more and more tired. I checked the clock on the dash board for one final time before I finally gave in to my body's demand for sleep: 10.45PM.

When I woke up, I was tangled in a pile of arms and legs and blanket. I turned my head to the side as much as I was able to, to assess my surroundings. We were on a sofa in what looked like Luke's old apartment, although many things were different since I was last here.

The dull yellow wallpaper that used to peel off of this room had been stripped and the walls painted a soft creamy brown, which now better matched the dark wooden floor. The sofa, once an old, crusty leather, had been replaced with three, smaller, lime green components - one of which we were currently laid on. They were placed around the room, surrounding the same small TV that we used to watch when we were together. Outside, the sun seemed to have risen, and the weather was now sunny and dry, unlike last night.

Behind me was Luke, his head resting on one of the matching lime pillows and his eyes softly shut. His sleep was still the only time that his face wasn't hard and serious. His right arm was gripped tightly around my waist, and his left was curled underneath my body and clutching my right arm. This death-grip was definitely not pleasant, and I missed waking up in Jamie's soft embrace.

Holy crap! Jamie! He must be worried sick! I tried to struggle out of Luke's grasp, somewhat unsuccessfully. My waist was still pinned to his, my bottom pressing into his groin. He stirred from his sleep, and his grip released just enough for me to duck out of his arms and stand beside the sofa.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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