Chapter 27

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A kiss was pressed against my nose and I stirred in my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and found Trace hovering above me, a grin plastered on his handsome face. How was he always so peppy in the mornings? It took me forever to wake up.

"What?" I yawned, slapping a hand over my mouth, to cover my morning breath.

"Get dressed, we have places to go, and people to see," he tossed my clothes at me. "And hurry."

"Ugh," I groaned, rolling out of bed, and dressing. I pulled my hair back in a sloppy ponytail and grabbed one of Trace's baseball caps to hide how bad my hair looked.

I laced up my Converse and wiped my sleepy eyes as I stepped into the kitchen area. Trace had cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast. I shoveled some onto a plate and ate it mechanically.

"Where are we going?" I asked, stifling another yawn, "and what time is it, anyway?"

"It's seven," he answered, striding into the kitchen. He was dressed in typical Trace fashion. If he didn't make those plaid shirts look so darn good, I would be so sick of them by now. "And we're going to see Gramps and Trent. I need their help with something."

"Oh. Why do I need to come?" I finished my breakfast and rinsed the plate.

"It involves you," he grinned, grabbing two bottles of water from the refrigerator.

He tossed one at me, and even in my sleepy state, I managed to catch it.

"Of course," I rolled my eyes.

He grabbed his car keys and started for the door. I followed slowly behind him, blinking my eyes rapidly as I tried to wake up.

I had been having so many late nights studying that I had been looking forward to sleeping in on this Saturday morning. Leave it to Trace to ruin my plans. I was excited to see Warren and Trent though. I had grown fond of both of them.


The trees opened up and the mansion came into view. I gazed at it in awe. I was sure I would never get used to the sight of it. The lawn was massive and had been recently mowed. Purple, white, and blue flowers dotted the landscape.

Trace parked, and instead of going inside, we headed around back, past the outdoor swimming pool, and tennis court.

I saw Trent and Warren in the distance but couldn't see what they were doing.

When we got close enough, my eyes zeroed in on the targets set up. My eyes widened.

"Think you can handle a gun?" Trace smirked.

"I can handle you," I countered, "so I can definitely handle a gun."

His laugh rumbled through his body. "That's funny."

"Hey," Trent smiled. He was dressed casually in a pair of shorts and t-shirt. The tattoo that covered his upper arm looked like some sort of waterscape. His dark hair was tousled in the front, making him look even more like his brother. "Ready to learn to shoot?" He asked me, pointing at one of the targets. "Trace said you wanted to know how to shoot a gun."

"Uh, yeah," I muttered.

"You don't need to look so scared," Trent chuckled and bumped my shoulder with his. "Us Wentworth boys have excellent aim. Right, Gramps?"

Warren shook his head, hobbling towards us. "You have nothing to be afraid of, Olivia," he assured me.

"This will be fun," Trace smirked cockily, and strode over to a golf cart I was sure Warren and Trent had used to get here from the house. Poor Warren obviously had trouble getting around.

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