Tell me more

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It had been raining for two weeks.

Two fucking weeks.
The rain never let up. Neither did the pain in her chest. It was unbearable.

Mila was under the covers of her bed, contemplating everything.

Two weeks ago her mother...or rather her
...adoptive mother...had dropped the bombshell that she was adopted. Mila's world came tumbling down. Everything she had known, she had done, she had felt...felt so fake.


"My whole life is a lie..." she mumbled to herself a few times throughout the day.
Her happiness had faded only to be replaced with tears.
She had called Dr. Daffney shortly after arriving back to her apartment from her "parents" house telling him that she would need to miss work.

"How long do you think you'll need?" He had asked kindly through the phone.

It took a few long seconds but Mila swallowed and replied. "I'm not sure.." and with that, she had hung up allowing a new set of sobs to rip through her chest, up her throat, and forcibly out of her mouth.

Misery cradled her.


Harley rested her head against the metal bars of her confinement. The only thing on her mind was the therapist.
She was missing.

She hadn't come in for two weeks now and she was somewhat worried.

She sighed as she slid down the bars, landing on her knees.

"Sulking isn't good for treatment, Miss Quinzel." A soft voice spoke. Even the joker looked up to see a tall man walk slowly towards their cell.

"Where is she?" Harley asked in a demanding voice.
"She isn't feeling well, and I assume you're speaking of your therapist, Dr. Mila." Dr. Dafnee smiled at the pair.

"Is she ok?" Harley asked slowly, unsure of wether or not she wanted to know the answer to that question.

"I don't know..." the doctor grimly replied.

"Let it go Doll, she doesn't matter," the Joker spoke in a low voice.
Harley frowned even more at this, if it was quite possible. But she didn't say another word.

Not when Dr. Daffney was leering at them.
Harley stood up and took a seat on the cold hard bed until the doctor walked away, leaving the two alone.

"Puddin..." Harley broke the eery silence enveloping their cells. "You think, just maybe, Dr. Mila could be...our little..."
But before she could finish her sentence, the joker slammed his fists down on the bed, startling her.

"DON'T...speak of her." He growled through ground teeth. "And don't compare our daughter to that spoiled bitch." He snarled.

More silence.

"Do you ever feel guilty, puddin?" She asked. She could get away with a lot more things now especially since she wouldn't be subject to his beatings or abusive ways due to the wall separating them.

The Joker didn't reply. He just kept sitting on the bed, looking down at the ground. Tears formed in his eyes.
Yes he felt guilty.
Hella guilty for letting his heir, his own flesh and blood, his two month old newborn be caught in such a violent affair.

He felt guilty for subjecting the child to the altercation that led them to where they were now.

And as for her, he didn't even know if she was alive.

"No. Of course not," he said with a laugh. "I regret nothing, my sweet harls."

"I regret it, puddin..." she whispered to herself.


Mila walked slowly towards her office. She had just finished speaking to doctor Daffney. After two weeks of sulking, she was ready to bounce back. She was an adult and was somehow liberated.

And she couldn't hide the excitement, she had to admit the feeling of freedom was intensely good.

Better than sex.

No, not better than sex. Maybe the same. She chuckled to herself as her thoughts wrestled in her head.

She walked to her appointed therapy room. It was clear that no one had been here for a while. Two weeks, to be exact.

She was ready to tackle her responsibilities and was well prepared. She had a plan she hoped to execute. A means, if you will, of speeding up the treatment process.
She directed her focus to the large metal doors opening to reveal dozens of guards and the two suspects they handled even more brutally than last time.

Of course they'd be brutal, they were no longer in restraints.

The guards suddenly backed off, guns drawn at the pair of villains who looked confused at the lack of restraints. A look of awe graced their faces as Mila stood up.

"Please, take a seat." She said and then averted her attention to the guards. "Alright boys, you can go now. I'll take it from here."

The guards shook their heads and left the room.

Mila sat across the two villains.
The Joker glared at her, his hands resting on his lap. His eyes were heavy. Red. Puffy. Mila noticed but didn't immediately jump to the topic.

Meanwhile Harley kept staring intensely at her.

"You've been crying," she said. Mila nodded.

"Observant aren't we?" Mila asked as she looked straight into Harley's eyes.
"Well I was something of a therapist myself," Harley squealed with a grin. Mila smiled and giggled.

"What about you Joker?" Mila asked politely. "Were you something of an anything before?"

The Joker chuckled. "Why yes of course! I was a thief. Well, am. Old habits die hard, my dear," he said as he laughed rather loudly, clearly amused by himself.
Harley was still quiet. Normally she'd be joining him in laughter but her face never left Mila's.

"You're sad. Why're you sad?" Harley asked with concern in her voice. "Why weren't you here? What happened to you?"

"'s fine. I'm alright. I just found out recently that my entire life was a lie.." Mila's voice trailed off but she quickly composed herself, remembering it was her patients time, not hers.

Harley's eyes widened slightly and she peered to Joker who had a serious look on his face.
"I'm not gonna bore you two with that hoopla, it's not worth thinking about it honestly." Mila said with a grin.

She walked back to her seat and sat.

"I'm sure you two are wondering why you no longer have the restraints," Mila spoke casually as she flipped through her notebook. "I thought it would be best to get you out of those. Restraints memories. I want you to walk and feel every bit of this room before you head back to your cells. Interact with each other. See what memories you can awaken." She spoke calmly.

Harley and The Joker looked at one another. His face screamed attack while her eyes spoke volumes.

She had figured it out.

"And also..." Mila interrupted their thoughts, "I want you to tell me a bit about your daughter."

The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownWhere stories live. Discover now