Give and take

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The Joker gripped his gun as he aimed straight for Batman, whose back was turned to Joker.

But Harley was in the periphery. He couldn't risk it.

"Fuck." He muttered. What had he done, thinking he could bring the child safely out of their hiding place thinking everything would be alright.

He was the Joker! Something always came up.
And right now he just wanted Batman to stay away from his child.

"Oh batsy..." the Joker said in a sing-song voice. Batman turned around and faced him.
"This is between you and me, batsy boy.." the Joker snarled.

Harley slowly backed away from the Batman but the baby in her arms stirred and began to cry.
She instinctively rocked the baby in her arms as she  kept her focus on Batman, trying to walk backwards and away from him.

The Joker gripped onto his gun now, tightly, as he pointed it straight to Batman. He chuckled as he cocked it.
He walked slowly towards the caped hero with a wicked grin as he noticed Harley moving away significantly further.

"Whose child is that?" Batman asked abruptly.
"Whose do you think?" The Joker grinned.
Suddenly Batman swiftly leaped behind Harley and held her firmly by her shoulders.

"Harleen, your baby isn't safe. Not with him." He spoke calmly in her ear.
Harley shivered.
"That's not my name!" She exclaimed as anger took over. She gripped onto the bundle tighter and swiftly turned to kick Batman. He was quicker.

He gripped her leg carefully, grabbed the bundle, and slung her by her legs onto the car, shattering the windshield.

The Joker was furious as he ran to her and noticed the bundle was missing.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" He hissed in anger as he took another gun with his free hand, bringing them both up and aiming at Batman.
He noticed the baby in Batman's arms and lowered the guns slightly.

"Give her back bats, she doesn't belong to you," he rasped as anger and anxiety coursed through his veins. Batman just stood frozen, holding the crying baby in his arms.

"She's much better off with me." He said darkly.
Before the Joker could react, Harley shot up from the rubble of the broken glass around her. Tears streamed down her cheeks freely.

"Give me back my baby!!" She screamed on top of her lungs. The Jokers gaze never left Batman. He raised his gun again.

"You two aren't fit to be parents. If you want what's best for your daughter, you'll let us go in peace," Batman spoke to the infuriated parents as he walked slowly towards them, gripping the child.

The Joker was pissed. He saw Batman getting closer and rage consumed him. He shot a bullet straight into Batman's shoulder causing Batman to throw  the baby up in surprise.

"No!" Harley's voice quaked as she screamed out. Meanwhile the Joker watched in horror. He narrowed his eyes at Batman and kept shooting the guns in fury, losing focus as the bullets rained towards Batman.

"PUDDIN STOP!!" Harley screamed as she grabbed onto his arms. He stopped the barrage of bullets. Batman was on the floor with multiple gunshot wounds. None of them were life threatening.

But the crying baby was no longer crying.
And that's when fear filled Harley to the core. She shook her head as she kept her gaze on the bundle on the floor.

"No. no no no please no..." her voice shook as tears ran down her cheeks, scurrying towards the bundle on the ground. "No please no no. She can't be. No no..." she dropped to her knees as she cried silently, flipping the bundle over and the sight before her crushed her.

She screamed out in disbelief, anger, sadness. Regret. She screamed and cried, banging her fists onto the concrete below them.

The Joker knew what that meant. He grit his teeth and stomped to where Batman was. But he stopped shortly as he saw Batman suddenly leap up, grab the bundle, and disappear in a cloud of smoke.

"Puddin?" Harley spoke as she gripped the bars of her confinement.

He didn't reply. He had been quiet all night after their session with Mila.
"It's not your fault, puddin..." Harley spoke quietly.
"What's not my fault?" He asked.

Harley chuckle. "You know puddin, you always were good at suppressing bad memories."
The Joker continued his silence.
He wasn't one for feeling remorse, sadness, or regret. The man believed he walked on pure gold constantly and thought he was always right.

But his violent ways had caused harm to his own flesh and blood. He couldn't even protect a tiny baby.
He had always wanted to expand his brood. His empire. But it was stupid to assume that an insane person with homicidal tendencies could bring up a child.

Mila was sprawled on her sofa as she flipped through her parents files.

"There's gotta be some tiny little clue.." she spoke to herself. "Where. Where..." she skimmed through the tiny lettering.
Her eyes widened as she read some words that might help her.
"Perfect!" She immediately hopped up and grabbed her keys.

She drove towards Gotham's Entertainment District. She had no idea how oddly beautiful it would be here. Her eyes roamed for two simple words: "The Lair."
Then she saw it. It's as if time briefly stood still. She quickly pulled up to a building with neon signs all over, the largest of which had the name displayed boldly in the center. She exited her car and walked up to the heavy steel doors.

She hesitated at first but proceeded to pound on the door.
Only this door separated her from all the answers she wanted.
All the answers she needed.
It was here, and ONLY here, where she could acquire the correct sources to bring her plan to fruition. Having talked to her parents extensively, they mentioned names such as Johnny Frost and Mila didn't forget it.

Suddenly the door opened slowly, a man standing tightly at the door.
He looked mean.
"Can I help you, miss?" He asked dryly.

"I-I'm looking for Jonny Frost," she said as she stood shakily before the man.

The man opened the door slowly and grinned.
"And how do you know Johnny Frost?" He asked as he tilted his head up.

"I heard my d-....the Joker told me about him." She said.

The man chucked as he turned slightly away from her and faced the darkness behind him.
"Hey Johnny, a girl is here to see you. And you'll never guess who sent her!" He cackled out as he motioned for Mila to walk inside behind him.

The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz