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Buckley cleared his throat. "Do I have a motion for reconsideration?"

Hailee watched as the Board Members murmured quietly.

Buckley sighed. "I'm sorry, Coach, but unless there's a motion from a Board Member and a second, the decision must stand."

"Told you not to worry." Hailee heard Riley whisper to his friends with a smirk on his face. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"You leave us no choice but to bring in our attorney."
Hailee shared a confused look with Connie as the door opened.

"Dean Buckley, members of the board. As counsel for Coach Orion, and the freshman hockey team, I'm here today to set forth your legal options so that you may make the best possible decision for all parties concerned." Gordon said as he entered the room.

Hailee looked at her shoes and smiled to herself.
"Mr. Bombay, this isn't a legal proceeding." Dean told him.

"Not yet, but I can assure you that it will be. Do you mind?" He asked, handing Dean his briefcase. He pulled out something.

"These scholarships... an offer... became a binding contract upon the signatures of the recipients, and acceptance by The Ducks. They cannot be voided except for cause which, I guarantee you, you have none. Should you decide to pursue their cancellation, I will slap you with an injunction. I will tie this matter up in court for years until long after these kids have gone on to college. And I will collect damages. I will win. Because I am very, very good. You know why I'm so good? Because I had a good education. You gave it to me. And you're gonna give it to these kids."

Hailee wanted to applaud him right then and there.

"He is good." Coach Orion commented.
"Just gettin' started." Charlie smirked.

"Now, some of you may be snobbish enough to believe that these Ducks don't belong at Eden Hall."

Hailee shot Riley a glare.

"Let me tell you, you are dead wrong. These are remarkable young people. You give them their full shot, and I promise you they will succeed. Not only on the ice, but in the classrooms as well. These people are my friends, and I know what they can do."

Hailee smiled. She could see Luis looking at her in corner of her eye, and without even processing it, she kept that smile on her lips as she looked over at him.
Luis smiled back before looking down at the ground - he had never felt more happier.

"Accordingly, I demand that you reinstate their scholarships for their benefit and your own."

The room was silent for a while. Hailee bit her lip and looked at the Board Members.

"I move that the scholarships be reinstated." A lady spoke up.
"Is there a second?"
A man rose his hand.
"All in favour?"
"We have no choice." A man said, with a reasonable tone. The rest of the Board Members raised their hands.

A smile was plastered onto Hailee's face as she shared excited looks with her friends.

"Scholarships reinstated." Dean Buckley announced.

The Ducks began to clap, along with Coach Orion and Gordon Bombay.
Hailee gave Julie and Connie both hugs before everyone was told to leave the room.

"I've got some business in Chicago, but I'll be back soon." Gordon told them. "If you need anything, give me a call."
Charlie nodded and smiled. "Alright."

"Congratulations... in destroying our school." Riley said, stopping the group.
"Hey, look, it's our school too." Charlie told him.
"It's everyone's school, you stupid jock." The girl Charlie had taken an interest in spoke up.

"No, it'll never be your school. Don't you get?"
Hailee then noticed the blonde cheerleader who Luis had been seeing come up behind Riley and glare at the girl.

"You're our own little affirmative action, brought in for colour to entertain us." Riley continued. "But you couldn't even do that. Your fancy lawyer kept you in on a technicality... but you'll never belong."
"You'll never be anything more than a bunch of rejects here on a free ride." Cole added.

"Free ride?!" Russ repeated. "Look at you, rich boy! Mommy and Daddy gave you everything, huh?"

"Hey, J.V Varsity game's on Friday. Then we'll show the whole school what a joke you really are. Then maybe you'll leave on your own. It would be the only honourable thing to do." Riley said.
Hailee laughed. "Good luck with that."

"You know we're gonna hurt you." Cole told Hailee.
Hailee scoffed as Charlie folded his arms. "Listen, you guys had an unfair advantage last time. You had one of us: Banksie."

Hailee's glare dropped at the mention of Adam. She gulped and stared at floor.

"Oh, well, keep him. He never had the heart of a Warrior anyway."
Hailee heard footsteps behind her. She turned her head to see Adam. He gave her a soft smile before she quickly turned her head back around.

"Hey, Riley, one more thing." Russ spoke up. "After we beat you, the Warriors die and the Ducks fly."
"Hey, anything you say, loser." Riley smirked.

"Jerks." Hailee murmured as the Warriors walked away with smug looks.

"Good move, Russ. Make 'em even madder." Averman said, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"Charlie, we gotta do something, man." Russ told him.
"Yeah, you're right. We've got to get to work."

The team made their way towards the locker rooms. But after they'd all finished changing into their gear and were making their way onto the ice, Adam grabbed Hailee's arm.

"I'm really sorry." Adam cut her off.
Hailee sighed. "It's not your fault. You and Luis got in fight because of me."

Adam shook his head and exhaled. "I mean I'm sorry for what happened the other day. I should've have kissed you, but you looked so sad yet so beautiful and I couldn't help myself."

Hailee sighed and smiled. She took his hands in hers. "I'm sorry, Adam. I love you... just not like that. I know you hate the fact that I still like Luis, and he can be awkward sometimes, but he's a nice guy."

Adam scoffed and pulled his hands away. "You're defending him? You're not even together."

"You're really sweet, Adam. I ask myself why I still like him, but he's Luis..." Hailee trailed off and sighed.

"Hey, Adam, Hailee!" Someone shouted, making them both jump. They turned to see Luis leaning against the frame of the door. "We're waiting."

Adam turned back to Hailee. "I get it. We're still friends, right?"
Hailee smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"You two comin'?" Luis interrupted.
"Yeah, sorry, man." Adam said, walking towards Luis. "Are we good?"

Luis didn't respond. Instead, he just stared at him. Adam sighed and walked into the rink.
Luis tutted his head and watched Adam walk away.

Hailee followed Adam, but Luis stopped her. She stared right at him.
"So are you two a thing now?" Luis asked.

Hailee shook her head. "You know, it's crazy to think that after all of this, I still have feelings for you."

Inside, Luis wanted to leap into the air and kiss Hailee right there and then. But obviously, he stayed put and smirked.

"Don't say anything else." Hailee sighed. She grabbed her helmet and put it over her head, keeping her eyes glued to Luis'.

As Hailee walked away, she could feel Luis' eyes on her, and she was right.
Hailee was feeling a lot better now that things were okay with the team... and maybe even Luis.

That was all she needed for the motivation to practice before the game against The Warriors.

SOMEBODY ELSE ⇢ LUIS MENDOZA [2]Where stories live. Discover now