Chapter 8

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"Ok, I change my mind. I can't do this," Aria said as she dug her heels into the floor.

"It's too late, you've already agreed to it," I protested as I tried to get her to move forward.

"Well I take it back!"

"Aria, you promised," Renee reminded her sternly.

"But, I-"

And I took her moment of distraction to shove her forward. "Good, now go!"

Aria turned around and sent one last glare at us before she started walking towards our victim.

And then, before we knew it, the waterworks began. She stormed up to Reece and tapped him on the shoulder. 

"Hey, you're Reece, r-right?" I grinned and Renee started laughing beside me. 

Reece's eyebrows furrowed, wondering what he possibly did to make this girl cry. "Um, yeah?"

"How could you?" she asked as she sobbed. 

"Uh," he looked to Carter and Devon for help but Carter just shrugged and Devon didn't do anything.

"That was our private notebook!" she cried. "We write personal things in there, and you just take it and go through it like you have some kind of right to do so!" she said as she angrily wiped away one of her 'tears'. I started to giggle and when Reece looked up to search the halls I covered my mouth and pulled Renee behind a wall. 

"You don't get it, do you?" Aria continued and Renee and I peeked behind the wall again. I could see Reece running a hand through his hair, showing that he really wanted to get out of this awkward situation. People in the hall had stopped now, some even filming the episode that played out before them. "When something is going on and we can't call or talk face to face about our problems, we write them in here! Are you completely heartless?"

"You're crazy," Reece played dumb. "Are you really that much of an attention seeker? That you need to make up some story? Why would I steal your precious little diary?" Oh no he didn't.  

"It is not a diary mister and I am not making this up!" she said as she stomped her foot. The bell rang and the crowds were now starting to disperse. 

Reece snorted. "Whatever," he said before walking away.

"Well, that didn't go as planned," Renee said beside me.

I groaned. 

"I can't believe that didn't work!" Aria suddenly said, standing in front of me. "I almost had him! Did you see his face?" she asked. 

I grinned. "Yeah, you did great. I'm actually impressed. I thought you were going to start laughing half way through."

"Well gee, I really appreciate the confidence you have in me," she said. Her eyes were a bit red and her cheeks were still puffy. She sighed. "Now people are going to think I'm just an attention seeker."

"Well they are wrong, and I'm going to make sure they know it," I told her reassuringly.

She nodded. "I'm going to go clean up," she said before walking into the bathroom. 

I guess we can cross fake crying off of our list. 


 As I headed for English, I noticed Reece just about to enter the classroom. I hurried so that I was right behind him and smacked him on the back of the head. 

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