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"Okay okay, take a seat" the woman on the gymnasium stage exclaimed in the microphone as she wore a big smile.

Everyone chatted until all the students were seated.

"So as you know, I am the Co-owner of Runaways shelterhome. Which is a home for teens, its cost free, and we provide you food, shelter & clothes. It works like this, you wake up around 10 do your hygiene then go downstairs and wait on your breakfast. The shelter only allows same sex roommates, you signup where the table is sitting to the right of me, and when you sign up you let us know your situation & we will pair you with some one that will match your problems. Make sure you sign up as soon as your dismissed. " she rambled on.

I don't want to go to this shelter but I have no choice, we were soon dismissed and I walked up to the brown wooden table with a signup sheet sitting on a clip board. I sighed and wrote down my name and issue.

"Hey" I heard the woman say as she walked off the stage and came my direction, I walked up to her


She took a glimpse at the paper with with my name on it as her finger slid to my issue. " you know this is only for runaways right?" She looked up at me.

"Yes ma'am, I do" I sighed again.

"So why are you signing this?"

I took it upon myself and attempted to lie to her.

Here goes nothing.

"My dad beats on me and tried to set me on fire when I was sleep, so I left out of my back window and never came back" I stated hoping she wouldn't be able to see through my lie.

"So what about your reason on the paper" she furrowed her eyebrows

"I didn't want anyone to see what happened." I dropped the pen on the paper and looked at her "Plus i already have dirt on my name now"

"Well that's no ones business, but yours just " she looked up and gave me a false smile "don't worry about it" she walked around the table and pulled me into a hug "I'm so sorry"

What in the hell.

"Licia you done yet?" I heard tinks voice

The woman let go of me looked at me again and pulled me into another hug for the second time "you poor child, I can see the pain all over your face, we'll take care of it for." She let me go again.

Tink snapped her fingers "chop chop" she demanded.

After the few hugs, I followed behind tinks footsteps, and we walked down the hallway.

"So how did it go?" She probed as we walked towards her locker and stopped, she put in her combination and opened it up. Her locker was full of pink things, a long thin mirror was in there, she had a rack full of chips, I was wondering how she could get everything in there including her books.

She grabbed her text books and placed them in my hands before she pulled her eyeliner out and placed it on her eyelids.

"We're about to be late tink. " I stated.

"Oh chill out, here hold this" she said as she placed her Fiji water bottle on top of the books in my hands.

She grabbed her maroon Matte lipstick and applied it to her lips. The bell rang.


I placed her things in the floor next to her and sped walked towards my next class.


I entered chemistry and took my seat, laughter from other students filled my ears when I saw lavontè in his seat laughing with some other students.

"Bop bop " a male voice laughed and everyone else joined in.

Here we go with this again.

"Leave bop biddy alone. " another student laughed. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my desk.

All day people have been bringing that up to me at school. I've never been so upset In my years.

"Licia I think you should change from the nice person you are to a bitch, people won't fuck with you licia" tink said as she we were riding to her house.

Shes right, I don't want to be a pushover and I'm not going to be one, I'm way too nice.

As she continued driving I answered her "you're right, I don't know how I keep letting it pass me, i mean I stand up for myself, but not enough" I stated watching the cars pass by. "I can't keep letting these rumors get to me, I tell people off but not enough. And it's ridiculous."

"Mhm" she agreed.

"How couldn't I see this? This my senior year and I'm just now realizing. Now that you mentioned it" I placed my fingers on my chin "you know what fuck everyone else opinion."

Tink snickered at the sound of my speech "now don't get a little too out of hand licia. "

"Oh I'm getting out of hand and foot" we both shared a laugh at how stupid of what I said sounded.

We made it to her house as soon as she parked we walked in "Hey mom, dad" tink greeted her parents that were sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey baby girl, hey lici" they greeted back

"Hi miss and mister Minton" They gave me a welcoming smile as we made our way up the stairs.

We entered her room and sat on her bed.

"Now that there's a new licia, there should be a change in your appearance" she smiled as she slid her hangers side to side.

"New everything, no one is going to know what got into me" I smirked evilly.

She turned around and looked at me "revenge, revenge gotten into you." She giggled as she turned back around grabbing me an outfit. "This says edgy" she said as she threw it on the bed.

I picked it up and looked at it for a minute. "I don't know about this, look at the shorts people will think I'm a hoe or something" I said.

"You just said fuck everyone's opinion, licia nows the time to show it." She stated "now put it on ! " she yelled

I rushed in the bathroom and put the out in before taking a deep breath and walking out.

"Yes! Bitch yes!" She exclaimed.

I walked over to the mirror and checked myself out.

For once in my life I felt good.

How was it? Let me know, and hell is about to rise with licia finally. Is tink a bad influence on her? What do you think is going to happen? Make sure you vote. 💚

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