Chapter 58

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Andreas retreated into himself again, refusing to acknowledge the presence of the other two men in the carriage. His premonitions was keeping him on high alert, causing him to be more nervous than he had been the day his brother died. Back then his apprehension had warned him something bad was going to happen, but now it was warning him of something worse to come.

He had been stupid when he wasted his energy fighting Raphael back at the Argeno home. Now he was unable to make it to Lana in time to save her. If he had his energy levels up where they usually were he would have been there by now. What he had told Zane was true: he would never be able to forgive himself if anything happened to Lana.

It was happening all over again. Every time he allowed himself to get close to someone, something like this happened. It all started with his brother’s death. Then his parents. And the others after that. They either died or left him, never wanting to see him again. He had vowed to never care for anyone again. And then Lana stumbled into his life. She made it impossible for him to keep his vow. He was going to lose her too.

Perhaps that was his karmic punishment. Maybe if he had chosen to go on a different path after Dylan’s death he would be allowed some happiness. But he had killed thousands of people, tortured them to death, and burned their houses to the ground in fits of rage. He hadn’t even tried to repent. Even now, as he was thinking about all of this, he couldn’t bring himself to even feel a smidgeon of guilt over the things he had done. But when it came to Lana, he could. He felt guilty for everything he put her through, but most of all for letting her walk out his door for a breath of fresh air in the woods. The woods she had told him that she had seen John in.

He felt a tickle in the back of his mind; someone was reaching out for communication. At first he tried to avoid it. It was probably Kalen trying to get into contact with him and he didn’t have the time or patience to deal with him now. But it became more urgent, bothersome. Kalen really had something to say. Andreas knew that if he didn’t answer, he wouldn’t be able to continue ignoring it. Kalen was annoying like that.

“WHAT?” Andreas yelled.

“HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET LANA GET CAPTURED!” Kalen fired back. Andreas wondered how Kalen knew about that.

I didn’t let her get captured, you fool! Now this better be important or I’m severing the connection.”

“It is important! Lana is set to be burned at dusk! I visited her in a dream this morning and I’m still stuck in Gynae! You have to save her before it’s too late! Why the hell have you made it so hard for me to contact you?” Kalen demanded, his voice frantic.

I’m already on my way! You really think I wouldn’t know if she’s in trouble? I’m going to do everything in my power to save her, and all you are doing is wasting my time!” Realizing that Kalen wasn’t going to give him any more information than Zane had, Andreas ended the connection before the other sorcerer could reply.

Dusk was approaching fast. The last light was starting to fade. They didn’t have much time left. If they didn’t get to the palace soon Lana didn’t stand a chance. Andreas willed the carriage to move faster as he and Raphael shared a grim look. There was a very real chance they weren’t going to get there in time. 

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