Alphabetized! Future Stories!

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I think that I have finally alphabetized all my parts :). If I did mess up the alphabetization (which is entirely possible, because there were so many authors to alphabetize!) leave a comment on the chapter or right here so that I can fix that!

Also, for the incomplete stories, I like to put last updated! If you notice that my last updated isn't up to date leave a comment here or on the chapter so that I can fix that :). If you want you can even leave the date for when it was update ;).

Lastly, I have essentially exhausted my list of authors I left so long ago. Now, leave comments in the Table of Contents or right here of authors/stories that you would like to see. If it isn't a new story that you would like to see, but one of my what do you thinks because you want to know a little bit more about the story, then leave a comment on that story I will get to writing my opinion on the story :).


P.S. Do you want to turn the Table of Contents into an actual Table of Contents?

P.P.S. CallistoWinchester, I will be creating a chapter for your story :)

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