Chapter 6

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Note to Reader: Sorry for the delay on this!  There was a lot going on and then the holidays- I hope I can stay on top of this better now.  On to the next chapter!



I woke up the next morning with a completely blank mind.

I stared up at the white ceiling, knowing I should really be remembering something important.

Taking a deep breath I turned my head and realized I wasn't in my own bed. And I could smell bacon and pancakes cooking.

The night before came flooding back to me mercilessly.

"Oh shit."

And like any responsible adult, I pulled the covers over my head.

This was not good.

Really, really, not good.

What had I been thinking?

I couldn't even blame it on the alcohol. I'd had a sum total of one drink with dinner.


I pushed the covers back down.

Hiding under the covers was not a long term plan, much as I wished it was.

Rolling out of bed, I went into the bathroom.

It was sleek and modern and expensive, pushing home the fact of exactly who'd I'd decided to have this major lapse of judgment with.

I opened a couple of drawers, hoping to find a toothbrush.


Small victories.

Opening up the package, I made quick use of it, avoiding my eyes in the mirror.

Then I used the toilet and hopped into the shower for a much needed washing.

Feeling a little more human, I swiped the robe hanging off the back of the bathroom door and wrapped it around myself.

No more delaying.

I walked out of the bedroom, the view of the city taking my attention just as it had last night.

Curt's bare, muscled back was turned to me as he flipped pancakes on the stove, pajama bottoms slung low on his hips, highlighting the dimples in his lower back. In the bright light of day, I could see his ink was indeed black.

My eyes automatically slipped down to his butt, confirming that it was also world class.

God, he made gorgeous picture.

I could almost forgive myself. I mean, I was only human.

Well, mostly.

He turned his head and saw me.

"Hey,"he said, smiling. "Sleep well?"


He scooped the pancakes onto the platter that was already half full and placed it on the counter, circling around it to me.

"You didn't have to make breakfast."

"I was hungry, so I knew you would be too. Besides, I make a killer breakfast."

"It does smell amazing." I rubbed my hands nervously on the soft robe. "Hope it's OK that I borrowed your robe. I didn't feel like putting that dress back on."

"Looks better on you than it does on me when I bother wearing it."

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me warmly.

Billionaire's Mate (Billionaire Bad Boy Werewolf Novella)Where stories live. Discover now