Chapter 8

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Note to Reader: Sorry for my lateness! I've been so busy I keep losing track of time!


Anyway, hope everyone is doing well :). On to the next chapter!


One month later


"Mr.Patel is here sir."

"Just one minute Miranda."

I finished reading the well researched article about our new train and the existing subway system and how the new technology was impacting the commute in the city.

Scrolling down, I found Jordan's picture next to a short biography of her.


I looked up to see Patel walking in.

I stood up to welcome him in.

I'd thrown myself into work after what had happened with Jordan,needing the outlet. But I just wasn't enjoying it like I used to.

And then I'd stumbled onto Jordan's site a week ago after following a link from another article I'd been reading for research.

I'd been glued to the screen after I found it. I read through all of her work on there so far and regularly checked for new content like a lovesick schoolboy.

But I couldn't stop myself from doing it.

I got through all of my morning meetings and ate lunch alone while working, trying not to look over at the couch where Jordan and I used to eat together.

My friends and family noticed the difference in me, but whenever someone tried to set me up with a new woman, I had to turn them down.

I just had no interest in meeting someone new right now.

I kept thinking about Jordan.

I finished my lunch and went down for the usual time with my research and development team.

I forced myself to pay attention and be present.

Things went as usual, and everyone was filing out of the meeting room while I gathered up some reports I needed to look over later.


"Hmmm?" I looked up to find Zoe, one of the engineers I had on staff. "Yes?"

"You don't seem yourself lately."

That gave me pause.

We didn't usually talk about things of a personal nature.

"I'm fine, but thanks for your concern." I picked up my things and tucked them under my arm, ready to go.

"It's because of that woman isn't it? Jordan Matthews?" There was a hint of something ugly in her tone that kept me from leaving.

I turned to her.

"That is none of your business," I said quietly.

"Why are you wasting your time with that bitch? She sold you out and got away with it!" Her face screwed up as she started breathing harder.

Something was definitely off kilter there.

I got out my phone and texted Sanders, our head of security.

"What are you doing? I'm still talking!"

"I apologize. I needed to respond to an email-"

"It doesn't matter," she interrupted, combing her hands through her tangled hair. "I'm just trying to help you. You need to be with someone that actually cares about you, who isn't after you for an ulterior motive."

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