chapter 5: Party

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*unedited so it contains lots of grammar mistakes*

my eyelids began to get heavy and I could feel myself drifting of into sleep. I was rudely awaken with a shock by none other than Adrian. He smirked after screaming in my ear and running away before I had a chance to knock him out.

"jerk" I muttered as leaned forward on the counter.

"so you're still not going to tell me the truth?" Adrian asked, slowly approaching me with caution.

I rolled my eyes. Adrian is the most whiniest person in this planet. He will not let me live until he gets every single truth out of me.

"I told you" I replied "that was the first time I met him"

He would not let the whole shit with Liam go down even if it's been over a week since I last saw him. I woke up in the morning and he was gone. He also didn't wake me so I was late for work but none of that mattered because I had no idea where I was.

"ok fine" Adrian said, crossing his arms over his chest "I get it. You don't want to tell me".

My eyes will pop out of my head if I roll them one more time. Partly, it was the truth, I just couldn't tell him it was all fake. lets just say Adrian wasn't the best at keeping secrets. He stood near the corner sulking like a child. I sighed as I stepped closer and patted his back. Just let it all out and stop bothering me child

The bells on the door jingled indicating that someone was coming in. I spun my head around and put on a fake smile

"welcome-" I was shortly cut off by him walking in swiftly. It was like a ray of sunshine blinding me as his lips parted revealing his pearly white teeth.

"Hey Addy" he chirped with so much enthusiasm.

"H-hi Jacob" I stuttered like I usually do. Jacob was the guy I was crushing on since I started to work here.

"Can I have my usual please?" He asked with a cheesy smile. Gosh he's so adorable.

I nod as he takes a seat close by. Adrian looks at me with a odd expression.

"you have a boyfriend remember?" He reminded me "who's actually my boss"

I frowned as an image of Liam appeared in my mind. Can I not go a day without thinking about him please?

I shove the coffee at Adrian as he glares at me before heading to Jacob's table. I felt guilty for flirting with a guy when I have a Fiancee- a fake Fiancee who hasn't bothered to contact me in over a week. I'm beginning to think it was all a joke. Maybe I was played. I sighed as I stared at the beautiful man who sat opposite me, drinking his cup of coffee elegantly. Gosh Jacob was beautiful. He had dirty blond hair, blue eyes and a tall slim figure. Why couldn't he be my fiancee

Talking about the devil himself, the door flung opened and a panicked Liam burst in. He slammed his fist against the counter and stared at me. He was a mess. His hair looked like a nest, the top few buttons of his shirt was undone and his tie just hanging on. is it wrong to say he still looked good?

"where the heck have you been?" he snapped at me while trying to catch his breath back.

I was offended "me?" I ask "I should be asking you that!"

He groaned and shook his head "lets go, I'll explain in the car" he said beckoning me to follow.

I snorted and crossed my arms over my chest. I wasn't moving.

Liam stopped to face me.

"are you waiting for me to drag you?" he asks with a sinister smile.

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