chapter 26: let's do it for real

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*unedited so may contain grammar mistakes*

"You ran away from home?"

I smile at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Technically I just 'left' home at 3am with 3 suitcases full of stolen food from Liam's cupboards instead of necessities.

"No" I lied.

He saw right through me.


Jacob's lips parted and a laugh escaped his mouth. His attention returned back on the road as we drove, heading back to Liam's house.

"Are you sure I can't stay with you?" I asked, hoping I was 3rd time lucky.

Jacob's lips formed into a smile and he slid his glasses up. Is it wrong to find another guy cute when you're married?

"I have friends over" he replied "and besides, your husband might have called FBI already"

I snort. "He won't even notice I was gone" I muttered, gritting my teeth.

Liam hasn't come home in a total of 14 days, 19 hours and 30 minutes. Not that I was counting. I had the house to myself so I decided to steal most of his food and a few ornaments I could sell to have enough money to move to another country.

"You know, I used to have a thing for you" Jacob blurted causing me to snap my neck towards him so fast that I almost got casted for the next insidious movie.

"W-What?" I stuttered "a-are you sure?"

I mentally slapped myself.

"Yeah, I'm sure" he chuckled at my stupidness.

I began to sweat. Talk about timing. He couldn't have found a better time to admit his damn feelings- like 4 months ago?!

Jacob kept glancing at me every few seconds which made me nervous. I was tempted to blurt out my situation with Liam but sadly I had feelings for that piece of shi-husband so I wasn't ready to betray his unloyal ass.

"I'm married" I blurt. Maybe that will make it less awkward.

"I know" he said.

Since when was the cute guy sitting in the cafe became so forward? I'm not ready for this change.

"I was going to confess the day I saw you again" he said, meeting my eye for a moment.

Holy cow- this has taken an odd turn. I don't know how to respond to this confession- do I say thank you or happy birthday?

"Happy birth-"

"It's not my birthday" Jacob mumbled, cutting me off "and it wasn't the last time we talked either"

Dammit. Where is Liam when I need him to drag me out of situations like this?

"I'm not expecting anything" Jacob chuckled, scratching the back of neck "You're married so I just thought I'd tell you"

My love life has sucked for the last 19 years. The guy I liked confessed when I'm married and my husband- who I really really like decides to avoid me. I can already imagine me at 90 with 10 cats instead of men.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, feeling a bit of guilt build up in my chest.

Jacob shook his head as we came to a stop. "Its cool"

Say I doOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora