chapter 27: 'hello brother'

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*unedited so may contain grammar mistakes*

"I am totally a party person!" I chirped while I stood in the corner facing the wall.

Liam snorted causing me to whip my head around and glare at him. He held a firm smirk on his lips while holding the phone against his ear.

We've been screaming back and forth at each other for the past 10 minutes because I refused to be anywhere near people and I just want to be home And- I just want to hung up cause all my credit is being used up by this idiot.

I still don't know why I agreed to come to a night club with him. I never thought he'd meant this when he said let's do it for 'real'

"Hey can we go home yet?" I asked, staring at him from the opposite side.

"Its been 5 minutes" he replied.

I lick my lips. "Exactly"

I could have sworn he rolled his eyes at me and I was so close to slapping him back to reality.

"Are you going to stand there all night?" He asked, annoyance and frustration in his voice.

"Until we get home yeah"

He snorts. "You can stay there all night then"

I groan and he hung up the phone before I had the chance to swear at him.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was sat leaned back with both of his arms resting on the top of the seats while his right leg was crossed over the left and his head leaned back while his jawline clenched sharply enough to cause a damn paper cut and- what was my point again?

-right, if he wasn't so damn good-looking then I wouldn't be too distracted to smack him back home.

The music sudenly turned up causing people to block the view between Liam and I.

I awkwardly try to avoid people as they'd come too close to dance with me. Please don't twerk on me, I ain't ready for that shit.

I literally press myself against the corner of the wall, holding my breath while I prayed they wouldn't come any closer.

"Hi" a man said, pushing past the people causing them to move back.

Not all superheros wear capes

I adjusted myself back in position and smiled at the cute guy.

"I'm Adam" he said with a gleaming smile on his face.

Why does this man remind me of a puppy and how can I adopt him?

Adeline you cannot possibly adopt this seriously cute little muffin when you're married cause you're husband will woop your ass.

Maybe if I ignore him he'll leave me alone.

"And you are?" He mumbled, trying to continue the non-existent conversation.


"Want some chips?"

Ignore- wait no-

Within a split second of asking me, I shoved my hands into the chips packet and grabbed a hand full which went straight into my mouth. Knowing me, I choked on them causing a scene where people actually became concerned.

"Shit, you okay?" The guy asks, worried.

Oh yeaah, just choking on food that is blocking my airways but I'm good.

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