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you lifted your head to face the voice. it was him, hong jisoo. your mind went blank, you couldn't process the current situation due to the soft brown eyes staring gently at you.

"are you alright?" his honey-like voice melted in your ears.

you nodded as a reply and he led you to the student council room. he pulled out a chair for you to sit on just like the gentleman he is. he then dusted his blazer and walked to the chair behind the table placed infront of you.

"i'm pretty sure you've heard all of these news going round the school. well, i'm going to be very honest and say to you that i have no memory of being with you last night."

your eyes were as wide as they could be. what did he mean he had no memory of being with you? by all those news going round it had to be true.

"do you by chance know of anything?"

you looked up and shook your head slowly indicating you were in the same boat as him. you were so confused at this moment, nothing made sense. then you had no choice but to assume that seokmin sent you home but then again seokmin and jisoo had visuals that were strikingly different, not to mention their heights as well.

"i'm really sorry jisoo sunbae-nim, i'm really confused myself. if it's really bothering you, i shall go make an announcement that they were all mistaken. i'm sorry."

you quickly made your way out of the room and straight to the general office, to where you were able to use the intercom to make an announcement. teachers were preventing you from doing so but you pushed them aside. you had to clear things out. it was obvious he was uncomfortable, he probably had feelings for someone else.

"and i hope you all understand. sorry to have caused any inconvenience. thank you." you finished off your explanation and slowly placed the device down as tears filled up your eyes.

you harshly wiped them away, why were you even crying? you bowed and apologised to the teachers around as you rushed out of the school. it was evening and the sky was as dark as midnight.

you shivered at the cold breeze and shoved your hands in the pockets of your coat. you tilted your head up staring into the sky and let out a sigh. all you wished at this moment was to see seokmin's bright smile again.

you let your feet lead you to anywhere it desired and soon enough it led you to the abandoned playground once again. you slowly sat down on the metal swing glancing around you in hopes to see him.

your foolish mind and body grabbed the matchbox in your pocket and lit up matchstick by matchstick as tears streamed out after each blow.

"i, i just really want to see you again. why won't you answer my calls! just, i really want to be with you. why did you just leave me alone."

you were violently sobbing right now and tears never stopped flowing down your small round cheeks as your body shook with each wail.

"i'm sorry i left you hanging, i'm here now."

you looked up to the voice and it was him. he looked dashing even with your tears blurring your vision, he still shined brightly. you stood up and ran into his arms, holding him as tight as you could. his soft slender fingers stroked the back of your head, slowly calming you down with soft hushes.

"i think it's about time i tell you everything."

- lolol it's close to ending!! i got carried away writing this chap heh love yall whoever is actually reading this ♡

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