Freshman Editor: theolddarkness

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Name: theolddarkness.

Years of experience: 5-6, I guess. I've been correct my classmates homework for at least that long, though I'm not too sure that counts as experience. If not, then 1 year (give or take a few months.)

Level for Editing: Can't really say. I think I'm quite good at it, but that is what I'd think, isn't it?

Genres I accept: Fantasy and Sci-fi. Definitely no Vampires or Werewolves.

Age: 19. Though on occasion I do feel like a sixty year old.

Often on Wattpad: Daily. On some days I do spend too much time on here, but that's because there's almost something to do.

Age Rating: Any, though I prefer more mature novels. That doesn't mean I appreciate gratituous sex or violence though.

Email or PM: Both. Email if it's a long term project. Pm if it is something that needs to be done quickly, and isn't pointlessly long.

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