Senior Editor: dancerNwriter96

2.9K 52 16

Name: Mary

 Years of Experience: I joined Wattpad on 11/13/11. I started editing on Wattpad fairly soon after I joined. I had edited one friend’s story for a contest about a year before I joined Wattpad, but nothing else, except my own papers. Level for Editing: Freshman

 Genres I accept: I accept anything, but poetry

 Age: 16

How often I go on Wattpad: As often as I can, I am online mostly on Tuesdays and evenings. I edit whenever I can, and I don’t normally edit when I’m online. I also get emial notifications whenever I'm home or somewhere with wifi.

Age Ratings I accept: all

 Email/PM: email:

 Extra info: I am a perfectionist, so it takes me a little longer to edit than others. I cannot critique or give harsh criticism of any kind, although I can give advice.

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