Freshman Editor: afearofcarpets

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Name: afearofcarpets also commonly known as Kira. H

Years of experience: Ten

Level for editing: Senior

Genres you accept: Romance. Humor. Adventure. Horror. Western. Myth. Teen-Fiction. Non Teen-Fiction.

Age: 21

Often you go on Wattpad: I have a book cover shop so I'm a frequent visitor.

Age ratings you accept: PG13 and Rated R.

Do you do edits by email or PM? Mostly by email. I'm quite email savvy. But I've also done face-to-face edits through skype.

A little extra about my preferences: I prefer Teen Fiction but not the stereotypical variety such as Vampires and Werewolves. If the client has something vampire, werewolf related there needs to be an angle and it has to be around fifteen percent on the predictability scale.

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