Vengeance Upturned - Chapter 13

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When the sound of the horn faded, Adric frantically patted his pockets until he pulled out a key. He threw it at the, to Etta, still unknown man as he spoke to Emerald, “I have to get Immy!” His cool demeanor had vanished, replaced by wide eyed panic, and the color drained out of his face. Lost. Worried. Frightened. Personal walls and defenses crumbled.

“Go!” Emerald said. When he disappeared into the crowd of people running outside, she turned to Etta again. “We still have a deal?”

“Aye.” No reluctance marred Etta’s words.

Emerald sighed. The burden of her responsibility, of protecting her people and hunting down those that threatened them, slithered across her features. It passed so quickly that Etta almost didn’t notice and then the woman pushed her shoulders back and tilted her chin up.

“Remove the chain, Tarin,” Emerald said to the dark-haired man with the key. He nodded and obeyed. Behind them, Goran gathered papers and rolled up the maps as he limped around the table.

Etta was holding out her hands to Tarin when a woman with flowing golden hair ran inside, clutching to her chest a mix of leather pieces and metal plates.

“Valerie!” Emerald’s eyes widened. “What are you doing here? You should be in the mill with the rest already.”

“I had to get your armor, and wanted to see if you’d left.” The blonde pressed the bundle into Emerald’s chest as she rose on her tiptoes, stealing a quick kiss from the taller woman.

Hands free, Etta rubbed her wrists then fisted her hands at her sides. Fingers brushed the side of her leather pants where her tachi usually rested. The wave of anticipation surged through her veins, building up to the familiar storm of excitement and addictive fear. Her heart drummed a crescendo. She glanced over her shoulder and the throng of people panicking outside, expecting to see the monsters, hands twitching with the need to wield her weapons.

 “You done?” Emerald’s voice drew Etta’s attention to the man crouched before her feet.


“Go to the mill.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tarin spun on his heel and ran out.

“We have to hurry,” Emerald said as she fetched her axes. When Etta turned to head out, Emerald added, “You’re coming with us.”

Etta hesitated for a moment, but halted at the tent flap. She scanned the outside for any signs of danger hiding in the shadows untouched by the flickering light of the torches. She wanted to charge out and kill as many as possible of the oncoming abominations, but she had no weapons, and she had made promises. Once they reached the mill, she would find a way to fight. She had to. Feet shuffling nervously, she looked back. Goran clutched the maps and papers in his arms as Valerie blew out the lamps on the beams. Emerald brushed past Etta and led the way out.

“I need my weapons,” Etta hissed as she followed the wave of people heading for the stone mill; men, women, children, even some animals being ushered along.

“No time now. Adric has them in his tent,” Emerald said over her shoulder and she urged Valerie to quicken her pace as the golden haired woman stopped to pick up a stray puppy.

Etta’s gaze darted about as the tension among the people rose. Hurried steps, tripping feet, crying children, shushing mothers. A patch of bright red… no, the familiar orange disappeared out of her sight as she passed by one of the canvas homes. She veered of the path, easily weaving her way through the horde.

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