Box of Crayons

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Chapter 1 - Walk In

I hate paperwork. Being the detective on duty late night on a Wednesday in Laurington is boring to say the least. I'm just glad that they rotate the shift between the other detectives. However, this week the shift is all mine. At least I can catch up on this paperwork that I love so much.

My phone rings. What could it possibly be? I check my watch. It is 3:30 AM. I hope this won't require me to go out. It is freezing out there. I pick up the phone, "Detective

Ramos Homicide."

Dispatch responds, "We have a white male late twenties or early thirties saying they have urgent information on the Candlewax Killer."

Great, another nutjob. This happens all the time when we have an unsolved murder that gets a lot of press. It's not my case, but there's no one else here. "Set him up in interview room number two. Get me a uni in to observe too, and not that Jenkins kid this time."

I'll take his statement, and pass it on. I go into conference room A, where they have set up the serial killer investigation. Brooks got the initial case, so he's the lead. Everyone is chipping in with the groundwork. I have chased several leads on this case that have turned out to be nothing. I pick up the summary folder. All the recent developments are inside. I doubt I will have anything to add.

I take the file with me reading as I walk. At the interview room Officer Tanley is setting up. "Good Mourning officer. How are things looking?"

He plugs in the camera. "Exciting sir. This guy wants to confess."

I shake my head. These kids in uniform think that makes this easier. This guy might be even crazier than I thought. "We'll see in a moment officer. You get any coffee?"

With his eye in the camera he says, "I'm brewing a new pot. I can bring you a cup once it's ready."

I look at the guy in the other room. A scared kid wearing a grey hoodie and a black t-shirt. I would bet jeans too, but I can't see with him sitting behind the table. Dark circles under his eyes and the short stubble on his chin suggests he hasn't been sleeping much lately. He fidgets with something in his pocket. "Did you frisk him?"

Tanley looks at me, "Do you need me to? He went through the metal detector. He just has a couple of rings, a set of keys, a box of crayons, and pocket lint. That's probably what he's playing with."

I reply, "No, it's OK. Mind the camera. If things go south I may need you in there. I'll use the safe word 'Omaha'. I'm going in."

I open the door. I hope this guy doesn't attack me like the last nutjob that came in here.

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