Chapter 7 - Arrest

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I park across the street from the address we were given. This isn't what I expected. A single level home in the suburbs. I thought his family had money. I walk up the driveway to the house. All the lights are off. I don't think anyone is home. This may not even be his home.

I check the mailbox to find a note there. It says "Detective Ramos" on the outside. I open it.


If you are here then Percy's lawyer was able to set us free. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but it's still hard for me to accept. I have schizophrenia. I recently became aware of Percy. He is in control sometimes, and recently he has become more aggressive. He forces me out. He's dangerous. He's the one that killed those girls. Please stop him. There is a key under one of the flat rocks to your left.


Thanks Andy. I pocket the letter. It's my probable cause. I find the key, and try to open the door without making too much noise. The click of the door opening makes me wince. I draw my gun just in case, but the lack of noise and activity makes me think there is no one home. The door opens into a living room. Nothing unusual in there. To the left is the dining room. There is a box of crayons, candles, and hair laid out on the table. The kitchen is empty and spotless.

I creep down a hallway past the empty bathroom. I open the door to the first bedroom. Crayons everywhere. There are thousands of boxes with varying sizes and shapes. The click-clack of a gun makes me freeze. Hard metal presses into my left side.

Percy says, "Drop the gun Detective."

I can't give up. He'll kill me if I don't try something. I start to spin left, using my elbow to nudge the gun out of my side. An explosion erupts in my side. My spin turns into a fall. My gun goes off somewhere in the distance. I look over at my empty hand.

Percy leans over me, and pulls out my cellphone. He looks through it for a while before he speaks. "Is this your daughter?" He turns the phone around showing a recent picture of her. "She's cute with purple hair. Do you know how hard it is to find that color?" I try to claw at him, but I'm not able to lift my hand high enough. "I think I may have Andy scout her out for me. Goodbye detective."

I try to scream at him, but only a weak moan comes out. He aims the gun at my forehead, and that was the last time I saw them or anyone.

Box of CrayonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora