Chapter 6 - Exhale

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I am still trying to figure out what happened as I sit at my desk typing up my notes for the summary report. Thank God Detective Brooks is here. With the rings as evidence, we should be able to put this kid away. There are still some doubts, but this is Brooks' case to argue. The video confession will help, but it doesn't look like we will get a signed statement. The signed statement would make it airtight. In the video the lawyers will be able to show that he didn't actually confess to anything.

Detective Brooks comes over to my desk with coffee mug in hand, and says, "Why did you have to get me up at 5:30 AM?"

I reply, "Your case buddy. No chance I was going to steal your thunder."

He responds, "We had to let the little snot go. He's such an arrogant prick. Do you know what he said to me?"

I say, "What? We have the rings as evidence. That alone should be enough."

He replies, "Circumstantial. The lawyer had two of his own. He said that the kid worked over the summer at the amusement park in Hanford. Apparently they sell them there. Also there wasn't any trace of wax on them."

I ask, "What about the confession?" I already know the answer.

He says, "You tried your best, but the kid didn't sign a statement and doesn't really confess to anything other than assault. He says he killed them, but he doesn't give any evidence and doesn't remember any details. That combined with the alibi his lawyer helped confirm means we have to let him go. The kid's father is some kind of mogul too. Talk about money."

I respond, "Well that sucks. I'll get this report typed up for you to file in the 'completely useless' portion of the case files."

He replies, "Unfortunately. I was hoping you had something solid for me. I'm going to head back home and hopefully get another 5 minutes of sleep."

I laugh. "Good luck with that!"

I go back to typing up my report. I need my notepad. I reach behind me to pull it out of the pocket of my jacket. My fingers brush against plastic. Wait. I put my notepad in my other pocket, but what is this plastic? I fish it out of my pocket.

It's that stupid box of crayons. I almost forgot about it with everything else going on. Half of the broken yellow crayon is hanging down outside of the box. I see something coming off the crayon catch the light. What is that? Holding it up to the light, it looks like hair. The crayon has blonde hair wrapped around it. I would put money on this hair belonging Linda Phillips. Still, it only verifies the information we have in the confession.

I rotate the bag, looking for something else. The crayons start to slide. I see something on the edge of the paper around each crayon. That isn't the usual glue used on crayons. It looks like wax. Maybe candlewax? I tip the box back to prevent the crayons from falling out. Screw it. I dump all the crayons out of the box. The plastic bag keeps them from falling all over the floor. The bottom of the box has a white cloth stained red. That looks like blood to me.

I run to the front desk. Officer Tanley is talking to Officer Paige. I ask, "Did Detective Brooks come through here?"

Officer Tanley responds, "Yea you just missed him."

I have one more question, "Do you have the preliminary report with Andy Miller's address?"

He says, "You mean Percy? I was just talking about him. I still have it."

I say, "I'm going to go arrest him again. I found blood in that box of crayons."

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