Chapter 38- Meeting Dad

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I stand, staring at the door after Jules ran out. All I wanted to do was to be there for her. I wanted to make sure she was okay, but I couldn't.

I don't think she wanted anyone, much less me, to be around her right now. The way she told me that she didn't need me right now, hurt. I'm not gonna lie. But I know that wasn't her intentions.

She had a nightmare, I know that much. I felt her shaking in my arms and woke up to see a frown on her face.

She was mumbling incoherent words and I could've sworn I heard her say my name. But I wasn't really paying attention to that since I was more focused on trying to wake her up.

When I finally did, she looked tense and rigid. Her breathing came out ragged as she stared at the wall. It truly broke my heart to see her looking so ready to break.

I sat at the end of my bed, putting my hands in my head as I let out a deep breath.

We were only asleep for about seven hours, but it felt like two. The sun was almost up, but still held the early morning sky.

We were laughing and smiling with each other only hours ago, but it amazes me on how fast that shit changed.

My phone rang from my nightstand and I stood to answer it, intending to tell whoever it was calling me to check in later.

"Look. I don't want-"


I stopped. "Roy? How'd you get my number?"

I didn't want to sound rude, but now wasn't the right time and I did want to know how he got my cell.

His breathing sounded quick as I heard shuffling in the back.

"Jules gave it to me in case of an emergency if I couldn't reach her." I heard more shuffling. "Listen to me closely, boy," he said, his voice coming out gruff. "I know Jules. I know what she'll try to do and how she'll want to deal with this. But I'm going to need you to deal with her."

I frown, confused. I don't have a good feeling about this. "Roy, what are you tal-"

"She's going to do whatever she needs to do to have her way, but she's only going to create more chaos. If I know her as good as I do, I know she's going to get revenge. That's where you come in." He grunts through the phone and, as I listen more carefully, I hear glass clatter. "I want you to keep her safe. Keep her away from this mess as much as you can." He coughs before I hear him take a deep breath.

"Roy? Tell me what's going on. Are you hurt?"

I stand up from the bed and begin to look around my room for a shirt and some shoes.

I hear him chuckle deep. "You know, no matter how much I disagreed to the way she let out her anger, I couldn't deny how strong she was. Not just physically, but emotionally. Reminded me so much of my wife and daughter. That's part of the reason why I loved her so much."

I was running around my room frantically, trying to look for some decent clothing.

"Roy, stay with me. I need you-"

"Tell her she that no matter what happened, she couldn't stop this. She couldn't prevent this." He coughs abruptly and his breathing becomes heavier. "Tell her...that she made me proud."

I close my eyes, stopping my movement, and take in deep breaths. "Roy, stop talking like that-"

"And you, my boy," he says. "Take care of her. She'll need you more than she would admit. Ariel and Candy won't be able to be there for her the way you can."

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