Chapter 12

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The sounds of cheers and the grunts of fighting were all I could hear. The atmosphere in the gym was palpable with excitement and happiness. The pack was finally feeling sense of unity and purpose. They were bonding and it made my chest tighten slightly. The closeness and happiness I could feel emanating off of them was indescribable. We had truly had been missing what we were now showing.

The games and the hunt had been what we had needed. Everything was moving smoothly. Even Lucas and Avery's portion had gone perfectly. Willow had been a go between for the young ones and Avery but the timid little shifter had been outside for it. She had stuck to mainly watching everyone but she occasionally smiled as she watched the children follow the plan she and Willow had made. It had been nice but it just brought Ollie's words up that no matter what we did, it wouldn't be enough, that she needed professional help.

Someone walked in and the scent of roasting meat was carried in on the slightly cold breeze. I inhaled deeply and I noticed numerous pack members were doing the same thing. They had caught two deer in the early morning hunt and several of the older pack members, who hadn't participated in the hunt, made roasting pits and that was where the deer were now. They had been slowly roasting for the entire day and the scent of them was heavenly.

I tried to ignore the faint pangs of hunger I had at the scent. I hadn't really taken a break since Cai had brought me back. He hadn't stayed because he was still pouting over my adamant refusal of contact until he apologized for being an idiot on his midnight munchie run. If there was one thing Cai hated, it was admitting he was less than what he believed himself to be. He was sometimes a very prideful creature, as if one couldn't tell that by his massive ego.

I let my gaze wander around. I was once again standing at the top of the bleachers so I could see the entirety of the gym to keep an eye out for problems. It was easier for me to keep track of everything going on when I had a higher vantage point and didn't have to look through bodies. I crossed my arms over my chest. Dennis and the shifters he had chosen to help him plan a majority of the events were making sure everything was running smoothly. Everyone was in their positions as judges or event managers.

I was actually surprised as how much work I didn't have to do. A surprising amount of pack members had volunteered and I was essentially left to watch and make sure there were no major problems that required my intervention. However hostilities were non-existent and the feeling of comradery was overwhelmingly prevalent. In the entire time I had been watching the games there hadn't been any acts of serious aggression from the results of the games. In fact everyone had seemed rather thrilled by it, win or lose.

I think it helped that there wasn't a seriousness to the competitions. There wasn't anything but bragging rights. That and I knew that the pack had really needed this. They needed a day where they could be together, where they could come back together as a pack and forget all that had happened. Even if it was just for a day. It gave me a basis to work with. Two years of struggling with the pack and trying to build it back up and I finally felt I was getting somewhere with it. It left a contentment deep within my wolf and I. We felt accomplished, even if just for a moment.

I caught sight of Linnette as she looked across the gym from her spot as judge by the submission competition. One of her trainee females was up so the fact that that her eyes were elsewhere made me narrow my own. I followed her gaze and I wasn't surprised to see it was on the newest pack member, Ollie. Her gaze was slightly narrowed eyed and I wondered if it was due to the four males that were hanging around Ollie. I didn't feel any or see any hostility from them towards him but I could tell he was slightly uncomfortable with them regardless.

I glanced back at Linnette to watch as the second judge nudged her to get her attention back on the fight. I let out a small breath as my eyes narrowed a touch further There was something going on there. I hadn't really been able to talk to Linnette when I had gotten back but the behaviour both of them had exhibited was constant all day. Ollie would watch her, hanging around the edges of where she would be and whenever he strayed too far away Linnette would watch him.

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