Chapter 13

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I felt like I was choking, gasping for air as I was yanked from sleep by the vivid nightmare. My body immediately started shaking and my teeth chattered together as I breathed through what I had witnessed. Bits and pieces of the day Maggie died. I pressed my hands to my eyes to stop the tears before they started. So many pieces, so much chaos. Maggie died cold and empty.

I sniffled, the nightmare had been so vivid. I hated when the memories showed me her death. Again and again, continually showing me the feelings of her death. I just wanted it to stop. I didn't want to see it anymore. Bits and pieces, guilty words and brown eyes.

I stiffened as I pulled my hands away from my face. Brown eyes... I saw a face.

I tried hard to focus on the wavering image I had seen. Brown eyes underneath unkempt black hair with a wild black beard. My wolf snarled as I thumped my head with my hand. He looked fucking familiar but it was blurry. I could see brown eyes and the slight features but it was blurred. I knew that face. I didn't know how but I did.

I could feel it trying to slip away from my grasp and panic set in. "Cai!" It came out sharp and panicked as I tossed my covers back and closed my eyes, trying to imprint the image into my head. I knew that face! "Cai!" My voice faded into the empty room as I started to pace. I needed Cai to get me. Shiloh was close to breaking through the Hunters' database and she could help me search out why the face seemed familiar.

My wolf paced with me, her hackles raised in deadly anger. She knew that face was the male who had taken Maggie away. I was too worried about losing the memory to focus on my anger. The anger could come later, I needed to make sure I would remember the key to finding out where Maggie had been, what pack had taken her. I paced faster. I needed to hold onto it.

"Mi bella, what is wrong?" Cai slipped from the shadows, his hair was messed up and his expression worried.

I moved towards him quickly. "I need to go to the coven!" I pushed him back towards the shadows. He grasped my arms, holding me still as he crouched down to look me in the eyes. I pushed at him again, my movements frantic even though I was getting nowhere.

"What is it, kiska?" His voice was low and rumbling as his dark eyes searched my own.

I pushed at him again. We needed to reach the shadows. "A face, Cai! I saw his face!" I shoved him again and he actually moved, stumbling back with me.

He managed to regain his footing and stopped me once more. "A face?"

"Yes and I heard words, Cai. What have I done? It was him!" Tears burned my eyes. I had seen his face, heard his voice. I wanted to hit my head slightly, he seemed so familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Shhhhh, its alrig-" Cai's voice cut off and he turned his head to look into the shadows, his eyebrows pulling down. "Shiloh." He gave no explanation as he pulled me close and pushed off into the shadows. I pressed my face into his chest, focussing on the face I had seen in my nightmare. The cobweb feeling the shadow walking left me with barely phased me because I was so focussed on the face.

"Mordecai!" Shiloh's voice echoed from her back room. I looked out from Cai's chest, I could hear the numerous vampires in the coven. The coven felt different when they were all present, homier. "Mordecai, I have limited time before they figure out I'm in here! So get your ass back here!" At the words Cai picked me up and carried me towards Shiloh's room. With one step he pulled us through the shadows to end up in the glowing room. Shiloh was intently staring at the screens she had set up as her fingers flew over her keyboard.

"They are hyping up their security as I speak, I can barely keep on the data base." She kicked at her desk with a hissing rumbling. "Stupid cock sucking witch hackers! That's cheating!" She frantically tapped on her keyboard for a few moments. "I am downloading all I can but I need specifics before they kick me out." She didn't even look at us as she continued her frantic typing.

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