Chapter 35

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Three weeks later

I wiggled slightly in my seat, enjoying the peanut buster parfait that Arlo had given me. I could see Madeline doing the same thing as me and I bit back a grin. I swore the food wiggling was familial. My mother did it, her sisters did it, Magdalene and I had done it, and now Madeline. I dipped into my ice cream, making sure to get some of the peanuts and chocolate sauce as I did so.

I gave another wiggle as I ate the bite. The parfait was pretty damn awesome. It became almost like a small thing where Arlo would pick me out a new flavour of ice cream or a new ice cream treat when we came to the small ice cream shop. It was a bit of something like trust that I had given him. It had started when he had suggested I try the pistachio ice cream on our first outing with Maddy.

After that I had slowly started to ask him what flavour or ice cream treat he recommended and shortly after he would simply buy me one without asking and let me try it. I rather liked the small tradition. It was a little thing but it made me happy. It was always a happy surprise because no matter what he brought me it would always be ice cream and it would generally always taste good. There was really no losing in my eyes.

"Daddy?" Madeline went up onto her knees. There was chocolate on her face from her ice cream and I smiled at her, a soft feeling rising up in my chest as I realized just how much brighter she made my day. Since I had started the outings with her and Arlo I learned so much about her, I learned just how much the depths of my love for her went. Even though she was Maggie's child, I had lived Maggie's memories and feelings of growing her within myself and it gave me a connection to her I hadn't been able to expect.

"Yes, bug?" Arlo's soft and almost rumbling voice rolled over my skin and I couldn't help the small shiver I gave at it. Every second day when he came to visit Maddy, we would go out on an outing, just like he said. I appreciated the suggestion and it had allowed me to watch him and get to know him without pressure. There was never any pressure to do anything about the bond between us

I watched him carefully as he looked at Madeline. "I looovvve you." She giggled and I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face at the sweetness of her declaration. There was such a sweet and caring relationship between the two of them. It reminded me of my own relationship with my father. As much as I didn't want it to, it made me sad to remember, giving the happy moment an unwanted undertone.

Arlo gave a chuckle as he held out a napkin for her. "I love you too, bug." She gave a bright smile as she took the napkin, ineffectively wiping her face with it.

I turned on my spot on the booth as I took the napkin from her. "Let me help, sweet pea." I smiled at her as I wiped the chocolate ice cream from her face. Once I was done, I set the napkin on the table and Madeline kissed my cheek with an exaggerated sound.

"Thhhhaaaank yooooou, Relly-mama." Her eyes crinkled at the corners and I tried my hardest to push back the pain I got from hearing her call me that. It was a double pain deep inside me. Only Maggie had called me Relly and mama was the designation that should have been for Maggie only.

"You're welcome, baby girl." I brushed her curls from her forehead and kissed it, closing my eyes. The sound of tinkling change drew my attention and Madeline gave an excited gasp. I felt my mouth twitch as I turned to look at Arlo as he held out a handful of change for Maddy. She took it with an excited thank you before running towards the big clear coin collector. She loved that thing, sending coins down each of the entrances and watching them intently as they went their different paths.

"She really likes that thing." I grinned as I watched her before I took another scoop of ice cream.

Arlo gave another chuckle. "She does." Madeline shoved a coin into the machine, giggling as she watched it. I turned back to my ice cream but kept a close eye on her. "I would ask you if you like the ice cream but you are wiggling so I can tell you do." I glanced towards Arlo as he spoke, not able to stop the faint heat that covered my cheeks as I did so as his teasing registered. I had never thought of myself as a shy person but with Arlo it was like everything was new for me with him. For the first time in a very long time it felt like I had butterflies in my stomach when he was around.

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