The return

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Every time Demetri tried to reach out to Sybil's mind to track her, the trace would disappear and Demetri had to start all over again. Sybil could apparently, unbeknown to everyone save Aro, sense when someone is using a power on her, and would disappear when she felt the presence of another mind priding her brain. The tracker figured he would have to track her the old fashion way, by scent.

Which was becoming increasingly difficult as Sybil had seemed to run in circles before deciding on where to go. She went west, then south, east again, headed north, but then east a little, and back north again. At least this trail didn't waver. But even Demetri was out of his depth when he made it to the edges of the Black Forest.

The Black Forest was home to hundreds of vampire and werewolf wars. To either creature, it was fair fighting ground, enough obstacles to make it challenging and enough coverage that was utilized to the fullest extent. The biggest present problem though, was that werewolf and vampire alike had died here, the aged ashes of the deceased could cover the strongest of scents, and Sybil's would be easily lost.

Demetri sighed. He really wanted to find Sybil, partially because if he didn't, the twins were liable to kill everyone in the Volturi, and partially because the girl was confused and probably on the verge of a savage hunt, and the last thing Demetri wanted was the twins blaming him if Sybil did anything rash because he didn't find her in time. He already had to wait until night fall to start hunting, and so a day has already passed since he left. He briefly wondered if the there was still a Volturi to return to at this point, maybe the twins already ravaged everything.

The famous tracker knew he would have to go more primal in his hunting, looking for crushed grass and broken branches to show him the way to where the girl was.

This mission was taking longer than he thought.


For Chelsea's safety, Aro had her placed in a cell in the dungeon as the twins raved about in their private quarters, destroying anything they pleased to dispel their anger.

The last time the twins had a tantrum, it was because they failed a mission. It wasn't even an important mission, just torture some competition and return home, but something happened to the siblings which greatly wounded their prides. And once they were safely back in Volterra, well... you can imagine what happened.

These tantrums would be easier to manage if only one of the twins threw them, at least then the other can calm them down, but no! They always were in sync. And two highly powerful, high ranking guards with the emotional capacity of a teenager on a rampage was not a sight most vampires wanted to see or experience.

Aro couldn't even get close enough to offer them fatherly comfort, as they locked themselves in their bedrooms. Aro tried to think about it logically. Jane would be the one savagely destroying things, screaming all the while about how unfair things were, slipping from English to German to Italian and Latin, and even a few choice word in old English. Alec would find something old and complicated to dismantle, usually a clock or an ancient puzzle, and rip it's pieces out and fling them across the room, crushing and tearing the smaller prices apart until it can't ever be put back together while he muttered darkly in old English, his words sounding like an ominous chant meant only to be said in the dark.

'At least they're remaining in their rooms this time.' Aro thought to himself, trying to look on the bright side. 'Instead of practicing their powers on those in the dungeons. And destroying the throne room. And literally disarming half of the guards.'

With a heavy sigh, the old king returned to his chambers, hoping Demetri would find the girl soon. Sybil would be an excellent addition to the coven, and she seemed to draw enough of the twins attention to the point they stopped randomly torturing guards in the hallways (4 days and no incidents, a new record!), but Aro knew if she joined it had to be by her own will. After all, she can tell when someone is trying to prod at her.

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