Nightmare Fuel

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Warning: clingy Alec, the perfect dad, and mentions of WWII ahead. Enjoy!

 Sybil didn't know where she was, but she did know she wanted to leave as soon as humanly possible. She stood in a barren field that stretched to the horizon all around her. The grass was dead and grey, the entirety of the sky was overcast with no characteristics to the clouds, just only a large, grey, smooth sky. The violet eyed girl thought she wasn't breathing at first, but the exaggerated breath she took proved that, yes, her useless lungs were working, but that there just wasn't anything in the air to smell or taste.

It felt sudden, when she realized she was alone. Completely, horribly alone. There was no one, there was nothing, there wasn't even a building in sight. The knowledge weighed down her chest and joints. Her mind races in unintelligible thoughts.

'Where's Cyril? He said he'd never leave me, never leave. Always close. Caring. Where is Cyril. Twins. Twins. Twins. Not here not there. No castle. No smells. Where's Marcus? Hiding? Just gone. No Demetri in my head. Where's Cyril? Alone. Again.'

With a shuddering breath, Sybil's body was suddenly lying down, covered by too-soft sheets.

'Dream. Just a dream.' She consoled herself. A sickly nauseous feeling settled in her veins. 'But I can't dream.' She kicked her legs wildly until her legs were free from the comforter and the nightgown rode up to her shins. On her ankle was a minuscule scar. It has always been there, every since Sybil first woke up. For some reason, he was comforted by it. It must have some profound meaning behind it, she knew. Something about Cyril...

Cyril gave it to her. To show they were in the same coven. It was a promise he would take care of her. Cyril and his tall figure, red hair, orange eyes-

"Cyril Valentine VonHarrington. God I'm such an idiot!" She scolded herself.

No wonder why she expected Valentine's quirks, or why she was already so used to him. Because he is Cyril, her coven member. He fed her and fought that woman for her.

"Well, at least it's something."

Deciding the dream, vision, nightmare, whatever, was far too frightening (and since it left a worried, strain feeling in her stomach), Sybil stood up and left her room. She didn't allow herself to think about the fact she was still in her nightgown. She turned off to avoid conversing with strangers and made her way to the twins' wing. Alec was god knows where, probably in the dungeon, but Jane was near.

Sybil knocked on the door frantically. There was no response. The violet eyed girl remembered she was still off. Turning on she knocked again, a vampiricly fast tattoo of sharp knuckles on reinforced wood.

Jane opened the door, face contorted in anger. When she saw Sybil's mildly terrified face, she calmed down.

"What's happened. Are you alright?"

Sybil sighed. "To be frank? I'm scared and I don't want to be alone. Can I sleep here?"

Jane seemed to be taken aback by the request. But she didn't deny her. The guard nodded and Sybil shot inside and to thee bed.

James room was... whiter, than Alec's. Where as her brother's room was dark, with grey marble floor and dark red wall, Janes room had white marble floors and fairy pink wall. The room seemed more open than Alec's too, who's bookshelves and desk were constantly cluttered. Everything in Jane's room was hyper-organized. Jane bed was (emphasis on was) emasculate, with a rose pattern duvet and several decorative pillows with tasteful frills. The whole lay out of the bedroom was exactly like Alec's, but at least half of her bookshelf was taken up by beautiful porcelain dolls, all behind a glass slide door.

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