Storm. Part 1; Heads on Shoulders

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The mission, in theory, was simple. Go to Ontario, find the university were all the students went missing, find the vampire responsible, threaten him, then go home. But, of course, everything got turned around.

Jane and Alec spent the whole flight talking to each other in old english, which neither Demetri or Felix knew. They spoke quietly and hurriedly, like whatever that were saying was secret and personal. They were taking about ways to keep Sybil in Volturi and to eventually make her apart of the guard. Hopefully a high ranking guard. That way they could keep an eye on her more often.

Demetri sat by the window and spent the whole time glaring through it while he was in deep thought. He was thinking about angry he was at Cyril, still, and was convincing himself the the nomad was lurer of innocent people who he chose to play with, and Demetri refused to be played with by him.

Felix was pouting because no one was paying attention to him.

Once the plane had landed, finding the university was easy. All they had to do was turn on the local news, and lo and behold there was a list of name of the people who had disappeared, and where they were last seen. All on "Frat's Row."

It was Demetri who noticed they were all apart of either a fraternity or sorority.

Once at the street not even a block from the main campus, the four guards took base at an empty frat house that had shut down several years prior. Scouting the area took two days. On the third, a shady figure darted across the road, far too fast for any human, and the shadow made its way towards the woods.

With a collective nod, the group surged forward.

Demetri followed the scent to an old wooden barn, which was falling into itself. The doors creaked as they were thrown open by Felix, dust and hay flew away from the gust.

A man, barely in his twenties, stood in the center, as if waiting. He smiled, his teeth too white, his face too clean, his smile too pleasant. His clothes looked ridiculous in the setting of the barn. A dark green track suit and black muscle tee, and black and white Adidas running shoes.

"Hello! You must be the Volturi, I've been waiting!" He said enthusiastically.

Alec moved closer to his sister until he was pressed tightly against her side. Demetri straightened up, because though the younger vampire was taller, Demetri could still appear more civilized than him. Felix didn't need to look taller, but he did tilt his head down dramatically to enunciate that the guard looked down upon the stranger.

"My name is Nicholas-Bradley. We've been so excited to meet you." Something about him reminded the twins of Aro. Maybe it was the smile.

At the mention of 'we', Demetri's eyes flickered upward, and there 'they' were. Twenty to thirty vampire newborns were perched on the rafters, looking down curiously at the guards. There were male and female, all ages and races. Demetri recognized them as the missing students and teachers. All of their eyes were black with hunger.

Nicholas-Bradley continued to speak. "I suppose I should share some things about myself, it's only fair because I know everything about you four." Jane quirked an unimpressed eyebrow, but didn't move to stop him from talking. "When I was turned, I discovered I was given a golden opportunity to pursue my rightful place above the world." Alec rolled his eyes at the man, he talked like he was the first vampire to every try world domination. "Naturally, I turned my closest friends, my advisors, to help me."

"You have a lot of friends then." Demetri said bored, eyes still fixated on the ceiling. He was quickly collecting and memorizing the tenors of each individual in the room, should they try and run away.

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