1. Fudged up ✔

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Alana's POV

"Why is it so cold this time of year," I think to myself upon entering my favorite little café.

My mocha hair blows with the wind, as the door slams shut behind me, and I find myself smiling softly as the warm air surrounds me as I enter.

I walk towards the showcase and my smile turning into a grin as I recognize my dearest treat.

Donuts completely covered in chocolate frosting.

I walk towards the cashier ready to order but a deep growl catches me off guard. With wide eyes, head snaps towards the direction of the animalistic sound. Utterly confused, I stand wary as a heaving male scowls at me.

"It can't be you," he snarls in disgust and I pause for a moment, looking left, right, and then behind me. Everyone stared at us, and it took me a second to speak.

"Um . . . I'm sorry do I know you? Are you okay?"

I didn't want to be rude, this man genuinely seemed ghastly.

"You're not even one of us. Are you?"

"One of you?"

Whoever he was, he did very little to ease my confusion. He stood tall, perhaps at 6ft, with shoulders that were broad and strong. His muscles bulged as he stood glaring at me, and I decide that the best thing to do was probably grab my donuts, and run for my life.

I look behind him, his friends who all sat at one table, looked onto me with either surprise or similar disgust. Only one seemed a little worried, and that worried me.

I decide to mind my business, and order my donut. The worker quickly has it packaged, and I give him the exact change so that I could sprint out the door.

When I think I'm safe, speed walking down the sidewalk, a hand roughly wraps around my arms pulling me to a stop, and dragging me into a nearby alleyway.

"What the hell do you think you're doing," I screech, but the seething man doesn't stop.

His jaw ticks and I squirm, my heart accelerating as we descended deeper into the alley.

We finally stop and I glare at him ripping my arm from his possession.

"Are you insane," the man continues to pace in front of me, and with wide eyes, I look onto him.

"This has to be a mistake," he rants, tugging at his hair.

"Sir, are you having a mental breakd-"

"How can someone like . . . you," he spits, "be my mate?"

His mate? Upon realization, my mouth drops open. He was a werewolf.

Oh shit.

I should've known, my school was crawling with them. Not to mention, my best friend, chance, was also one. Besides him, every one of them were an infestation, reproducing and putting even more of their alien species into our society and asking us to consider it normal.

Beasts that turn into man, it can never be normal.

"I'm not your mate," I spit, my body rigged with returned disgust.

"Except you are, and don't look at me like that. I don't want the likes of you to be my mate anyway."

"Then why am I here?" I fold my arms, tilting my head at him.

"Because unless you reject me, my body's going to want you," he explains, "I need you to reject me."

"Hmm," I eye him from head to toe, "curiously, why wouldn't you want me as a mate? You know nothing about me."

"I know enough," he scoffs, "then there's the fact that you're black."

"So . . . you're racist."

"I'm not racist, I would just prefer to date and breed within my race."

"What fucking race," I smirk, "you're a damn dog."

His jaw ticks as his eyes narrow at me, and I shrugs.

"It's okay," I tell him, "I'll reject you."

"You think you're so smug, bitch," he grins showing off his canine, and my smile falters, "what the fuck is so funny, huh? I'm a dog? This dog has parents, this dog has a home, and this dog has money and doesn't have to save up every penny just so he can buy one donut each month. You think you're what? Worthy of anyone's time. No one will ever love you, you aren't pretty enough, you aren't smart enough and the only reason the universe picked you is because she knew that no one else would ever waste their time looking at you, much less love you."

Without thinking I slammed my fist into his face. He didn't budge much but I could tell that he was surprised.

Before he could react I turned on my heels and sprinted off, ignoring the ache that was developing in my chest.


Leo's POV

I watch as my 'mate' disappears down the alleyway and I gently touch my face. She actually hit me.

The desperate, hypnotized part of me, was proud of her, my wolf basking in her strength but I knew that being with her wouldn't be a wise choice.

It's not that I wanted her to feel the way she did, but I had to think about what my friends would think, what my family would think, when I brought home a mate that was outside of our race. They would crucify me.

"But she's our mate," my wolf growls, "the spirits designed her for you. For us."

"There's nothing I can do," I reply, walking back to the café.

"You're gonna put us in pain when she rejects us," he continues with a sigh, "You're not thinking this through."

I ignore him as I renter the café, and he growls once more time before returning to the back of my head.

"What were you thinking," Dustin was the first to speak as I took my seat at the table. I could've swore I caught him smiling at her earlier, I should rip out his throat.

"Were you spying on us?" I snarl, and he visibly concedes.

"I was," he admits, "I wanted to ensure that you wouldn't do anything stupid but of course you did."

"Remember who you're talking to Dustin, this has nothing to do with you." I warn.

"Only, it does," he continues, "she's supposed to be our Luna soon, you found your mate but you're going to reject her just because of her skin color?"

I grab him harshly by his throat, and everyone at the table clamps their lips shut.

"Don't fucking test me," I boom, and his eyes wide as he fights for air, "I am the next alpha, not you, so don't tell me what decisions I should and should not make, for whatever reasons."

After a few more seconds, I drop him onto the ground, and leave.

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