Chapter XX

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"I'll notify you when she arrives. When she does, don't let her out of your sight and scour the perimeter for any signs of danger. Understood?" I said into my phone.

"Yes, Sire." The head Guardian responded. I hung up and made my way to the ballroom. Cyrus was already waiting for me by the grand entrance. A cream, off-the-shoulders dress hugged her form, and a matching mask fell upon her face. Her blonde hair fell in long waves down her back. When she sensed me coming toward her, she offered a tight smile.

"Nervous?" I asked. I rose a brow, but no emotion crossed my features.

Cyrus shook her head, "I'm fine. Shall we?" I nodded and took her arm.

As we made our way to the entrance, the ballroom silenced before we were even seen. A lycanthrope's sense of smell surpasses even beings well over their age.

We stepped through the grand entrance, our arms were the only parts of our body touching. When we appeared before our joined species, Cyrus instinctively gripped my arm tighter as her people shouted and howled at her appearance. I could practically smell the pride leaking from her pores at the sight of her people so prideful of their strongest alpha.

Meanwhile, my people scoffed and rolled their eyes at the lycan's animalistic ways. I sent a threatening look their way making some clear their throats and bow their heads in submission.

Vampires and lycanthrope were before me, the lycan's sat on the side I faced, and the vampires on Cyrus's side.

Cyrus held up a firm hand almost silencing her people immediately. Faint growls from lycan's filled the room at the sight of their alpha on a once sworn enemies arm.

I kept my features void of emotion as I unhooked my arm from hers and stepped forward.

"I'd like to formally thank and welcome you all for attending this historical event. Tonight is more than putting on masks and refusing to speak to one another," that part earned a few chuckles, "tonight is the night that our differences are not set aside, but embraced. We will embrace each other as well as ourselves because that is how we live as one."

I grabbed Cyrus's hand from her side, "From tonight on, we are united. Our flesh may be different temperatures, but we are all fighting for the same morals. Instead of slaughtering one another, we will fight alongside as brothers and sisters. We wear these masks today to express our similarities and differences. Under every mask is an individual willing and able to protect our future."

I looked down at Cyrus who gave me a small nod.

"Let's feast!" She exclaimed. The Lycan's cheered while the vampires merely clapped.

Cyrus and I parted ways, I went to the side the lycanthrope sat and greeted each of the alpha's respectively along with their mates. Most we're polite and welcoming, while others wouldn't even let me near their mates. I didn't blame them, most of the stories about me are very true, but slightly exaggerated.

"Valak, what a pleasure to see you." A voice from behind me said. I turned to see one of the many alpha's, not just any alpha, Cyrus's mate.

"Ah, yes. It is nice to see you as well, William."

He nodded with a charming smile that hid his true shades, "I see you arrived with my mate."

I smirked, "Yes, we arrived together as a symbol of our alliance--"

"Will?" I looked to my side to see Cyrus trying to hold her composure. I don't know all the specifics on how their relation left off, but I knew it wasn't on good terms.

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