Chapter XXXI

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*T r i g g e r W a r n i n g*


Three and a half weeks . . . That's how long it's been since we last saw each other. But who's counting?

Well, I am.

I received no calls, texts, visits, nothing. It was absolute torture to know that he knew my every move, yet I knew nothing of him.

While I had schoolwork and studying to distract me, I also had those horrific nightmares. Almost every night I'd awake to the coldness of the mattress beside me rather than strong arms shielding me from the monstrosities of my mind.

"Are you okay?" Scarlett gently shook my shoulder. I snapped my head towards her.

"Oh, yeah, I was just going over all the projects I have due." I lied.

She nodded skeptically, but didn't pry any further, "Okay, well, I'll see you next week then."

We hugged before going our separate ways from the small cafe we met up at after our classes. Gabe and Dan were parked right outside of the cafe, so I quickly hopped into the car to escape the freezing weather.

To my surprise, the car was freezing. I tugged my coat tighter around my body.

"Gabe, could you turn the heat on, please?" Instead of his immediate compliance, his hand remained on the wheel as he sped off onto the road.

"Gabe? Dan? It's freezing in here, could you just--guys?" They made no indication that they were even aware of my presence.

A wave of panic washed through me when I glanced up at Gabe's eyes in the rearview mirror. His usual lively eyes were masked with dullness. When his gaze caught mine, a shiver of doubt coursed down my spine.

Gabe's phone started to vibrate on the console, but he made no move to answer it. I wondered if it was Valak, perhaps he could feel my strong emotions through the bond.

"A-are you going to get that?" I asked quietly. He nodded curtly and handed me his vibrating phone, I clicked the answer button.

"Where is Livia? You need to bring her back now!" My breath hitched at the sound of his voice.

"It's me." I breathed.

"Livia? Is everything alright?" He asked frantically. I stopped myself from giving an immediate yes and glanced up at the rearview mirror. Gabe's detached eyes pierced mine warningly. I bit my lip and quickly shifted my gaze out the window.

"I-I don't know." I tried to say quietly. As soon as the words were out of my throat, the car lurched to a harsh stop. The phone flew out of my hand as my seatbelt jerked me back to my seat. The back of my head hit the leather surface hard enough to make me momentarily see stars.

I unbuckled myself ready to lunge for the phone. Dan reached from the front seat to grab me.

"W-what are you doing?!" I stuttered out. I kicked at his hands that continued to reach out for me. His face was void of emotion even through the struggle I put him through.

"Valak!" I cried once Dan got a grip on my ankle and yanked me towards him. My body was fighting as much as it could against the advanced, overpowering being.

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