Chapter XXII

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"What do you mean I can't go to college?!" I exclaimed. 

Valak stood in the middle of the living room in my suite with his hands stuffed in his dress pant pockets. I crossed my arms over my chest and sent him the coldest glare I could muster. 

"I told you, it isn't safe." 

"Safe from what? You said Lilith would go with me." I threw my hands in the air dramatically. 

"Livia, they'll know you're human." 

I rolled my eyes, "Then what am I supposed to do? Live here as your whore for the rest of my life?" 

"Don't speak like that, you're no whore--"

"Then what am I? Because right now I feel like a prisoner." 

Valak sighed heavily and took a seat on the black sofa Lilith and I chose together. His elbows rested on his knees while he placed his head in his hands. I snapped my mouth shut once I realized how worn down he looked. 

I stepped until I was only a few feet in front of him, "You seem stressed." I said. 

Valak chuckled and shook his head, "I'm not stressed." 

"Yes, you are. Look at yourself, what's gotten you like this?" I tried to sound indifferent, but my tone came out with concern. I couldn't help it; seeing him like this wasn't exactly enjoyable.

"Nothing, everything is fine. I just don't want some imbecile sucking the life out of you." 

I frowned, "I get that..." I bowed my head and fiddled with my fingers, "... but I wanna get the education I worked hard for three years. I only have one more year left." 

Valak finally lifted his head from his palms and looked up at me. His dark beauties gazed up at me with a look of remorse.

"I--the witch that was supposed to cast the protection spell on you... refuses to do so." He confessed. 

I tilted my head, "Why not?" 

He took hold of my hand and pulled me closer to his seated form, "I'm not sure." 

I stared at him harder than originally intended. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something. His tone came off as slightly distant, it made me wonder what he actually meant. 

"Love?" I rose my head in response, "I'll find another witch, but until then, I can't allow you to go to college without that spell." 

I nodded in understanding even though all I wanted to do was throw a huge ass tantrum. I didn't like being treated like I was some fragile thing that could be broken by the touch. I had been treated like that my whole life, and the only place it lead me was to self pity and overbearing medication. I didn't want to feel either of those things in my system again. I got over myself years ago, but the medication still fucks with me not because of when I took it, but when I stopped taking it. 

I gasped when I was tugged onto a pair of muscular thighs. I flopped onto Valak with and 'omph' then sent him a glare. 

"Do you want children?" He asked out of the blue. It caught me completely off guard. The only time we discussed children was when he said his beast might impregnate me.

I sat up uncomfortably on his lap and tried to climb off, but his arms wrapped around my waist and prevented me from leaving. 

"I... I don't know." I bit my lip refusing to look up at him.

I felt his gaze on my burning face, "Do you want... more?" I asked referring to him already having Lilith. 

Valak sat silent for a moment, before nodding, "I'd like more, yes. I'll take as many as you'll give me."

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