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I stared up into the face of this Vincent werewolf who was now claiming that I'm his mate.  There's no way I can be the mate to a werewolf!  It's impossible, he's got to be joking.  I scanned his face to see if he was just messing with me.

Vincent stared at my face with longing in his eyes, his mouth in a wide smile.  His whole face was alight with zeal, like he had just won the lottery. 

"Mate," he breathed, reaching out with his arm, as if to touch me.

My body was trembling.  Shit!  I can't be a werewolf's mate!  I can't be stuck here in this territory!  I'm supposed to be running away to Miami!  I'm meant to live with humans, not werewolf monsters!

I quickly moved from his reach.  "Sorry," I quickly muttered.  "You've got the wrong person."  I ran back into the girls' locker room where the male werewolf wouldn't be able to follow me.  I frantically looked around for another exit that I'd be able to escape that stupid werewolf through.

I can't be his mate!

Tears began to well up in my eyes and I grabbed at my hair.  What do I do? What will my parents say? They hate werewolves, there's no way they'll want me to be mated to one!  I'll be kicked out, and I won't be allowed to live on the streets because my supposed mate will make me live with him.

The tears were freely flowing down my face.  I slumped behind a row of lockers, sitting with my head in my hands, my butt on the cold cement floor.

The door to the locker opened up and I heard petite footsteps approaching me.  There's no way a giant werewolf like Vincent could walk so quietly, so this had to be someone else.

"Nora?" Danni asked.  She stopped where I was, based on the fact that the sounds of her feet stopped at my side.  "Vincent sent me in here because he heard you crying.  He wants to know what's wrong and when you're coming out because he wants to talk to you."

I looked up at Danni, fairly sure I looked like a mess.  I sniffed and felt snot shoot back up into my nose...gross.  I motioned for her to get closer to me.  She sat beside me and I leaned into her so I could whisper in her ear, that way Vincent wouldn't be able to hear us.

"Danni, I'm so scared," I sobbed.  "I don't want to be mated."  More tears streamed down my face and the shock really started to settle in.  My life isn't my own life anymore, it's Vincent's.  He owns me.

Danni frowned at me.  "You know, being a werewolf's mate isn't that bad," she whispered.  "He'll take care of you and make you feel so safe."

I shook my head.  "I don't want that though," I cried, not even bothering to whisper anymore.  I want Vincent to know that I don't want him.

Danni patted my shoulder. 

I paused and looked at her.  "Can I reject the bond? I don't feel it, so that must mean that I'm not really his mate, right?" I asked, hope seeping into my core.

Danni shook her head.  "Sorry Nora.  Humans don't feel the bond like werewolves.  We gradually fall in love, theirs is immediate and amplified."  She took out her phone and started to text someone, her fingers rapidly tapping the keys.  She looked a little nervous, every now and then glancing around the row of lockers to make sure no one had entered the locker room to get us.

When she stopped she handed me her phone so I could read the text.  "Just give Vincent a chance," she said, "you may find that..."

I froze when I read the text that was totally the opposite of what she was saying to me.  If you really don't want to be Vincent's mate, my mate's sister actually specializes in helping humans hide from their werewolf mates.  It's $500, but she knows how to make you disappear.  Just be warned that if you decide to go through with it, Vincent will stop at nothing to get you back.

To Escape a Possessive MateWhere stories live. Discover now