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It didn’t take long before Vincent stopped beating up the two werewolves who hit on me.  Eventually they ran off, all bloody and mangled and Vincent looked over at me, smiling triumphantly, as if he did right by beating people up and by forcing a kiss on me.  And it was a nasty kiss too!

“Let’s go Mate,” he smiled as he grabbed my hand in his giant one, leading me down a path.

“Where are we going?” I asked, knowing that it was a smart thing to just leave the kiss ignored.  If Vincent thought that I didn’t think anything of it, then he most likely won’t do it again as it won’t elicit a reaction.  Smart, right?

“I’m going to get you some breakfast,” he clarified.

My stomach growled and I gripped at it with my free hand.  Knowing how horrible this omega community is, I probably won’t receive a lavish breakfast, but maybe just like an apple slice.  Eventually we made it to this little hut that looked all run down, being composed of rotting, gray wood.

Vincent let go of my hand and turned to me.  “Stay here, and be quiet,” he whispered, so low that I had trouble hearing him despite standing right in front of him.

I rolled my eyes, but stayed in place anyway.

Vincent ignored my eye roll and walked up to the wooden shack.  Maybe it was another house, seeing as how all the homes here are all run-down and crappy.  He reached it and put his ear up to the wall, listening carefully.  Personally, I couldn’t hear a thing, but that was probably due to my weak human ears.

Vincent sighed and looked back at me, running his eyes up and down my form.  “Comfort Mate,” he growled and burst through the door to the shack.  There was a bunch of clattering noises and then I heard a low growl and a lot of snarls.

Great.  So this was house, and Vincent just broke in, pissing off the werewolf inhabitant.

Vincent and whoever it was who lived inside the shack wrestled around for a bit, slamming into the walls, and roaring at one another.  I just stayed put in the place Vincent designated for me, figuring that now was the perfect time to listen to him as I don’t want to be involved in a werewolf fight.

Soon Vincent came running out of the shack, towards me.  I stared at him, confused, but not for long because soon he flung me over his shoulder and kept on running.

As he carried me off, I saw the owner of the shack pop his head out, flipping us the bird as he snarled loudly.

“What’d you do?” I asked, my voice all bumpy due to Vincent’s run.

“I got you food,” he answered, still running in the direction of our shack.  When he reached it, he carried me inside and set me down gently onto the mattress.  Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out an apple.  At least it was whole.

I took it and eyed him.

“It was all they had in there,” Vincent said, looking down at the floor.  “Sorry I couldn’t get you more.”

To Escape a Possessive MateWhere stories live. Discover now