Chapter 16

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He acted as if I weren't there. He didn't look at me, talk to me, walk by me or anything. Last night we were fine, today it's as if he didn't know me. I even went to school and came back to him still ignoring me. The breakfast I made him was untouched.

I took a nap and by the time I woke up, it's time for me to get ready for work. Every time I go to work it's the same routine. Nothing. We watch Netflix movies and tv shows but that's about it. I don't mind it though, I'm getting paid $18 an hour.

After showering and putting on my scrubs then waited for Dro. If I'm late because of him then it's not my fault. In the meantime, I looked up apartments that I can rent for when my sister decides to come up here. I'd need a three bedroom apartment for cheap. How would I find one? I have no idea.

Another thirty minutes passed and Dro didn't show up, he didn't even call or text to let me know he'd be late. I called his phone and no answer. I don't think he'd like me taking his car so I called Tarzan and Reno and neither of them answer. I have no other choice but to borrow the car he let me drive, the challenger.




"I made sure everything was locked," I told Dr. Velez and he nodded. Something about today felt off, I can't explain the feeling but I have a feeling in my stomach.

"Today's gonna be a bad day," Dr. Velez said and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I can feel it too," I said as we sat around.

"It's not just a feeling," He sighed then got up. "Look," He pointed to a monitor that shows the basement entrance and SUV after SUV piled in and blooded men were helped to the door.

"Put on gloves," was the last thing Dr. Velez said before men poured into the little hospital, bloody and in pain. Where's Dro?

I spent hours removing bullets and stitching men up. Velez would prescribe them pain pills and antibiotics then send them on their way. Each time we finished with one, another replaced him. Hours passed and Reno nor Dro was anywhere in sight. My feet began to hurt, I grew hungry and tired. The smell of blood became normal to me as some men bled more than others.

"Is there anyone else?" I asked the last guy that I stitched up and he shook his head.

"The boss," A thick New York accent flew from his mouth. He shook his head and headed upstairs, just like the other men. And they all refused help from the doctor and I.

"What happened to him?" I asked myself as I cleaned up. Bleached the entire place but the only thing on my mind is where the hell Dro and Reno is. Were they hurt just like those men? Do they even know about what happened?

"Just calm down," Velez assured me after we finished cleaning every inch of the room. For me the cleaning allowed me to think. Even though he's ignoring me, for some unknown reason, I'm worried. Last night we had a heart to heart and it felt so good to actually sit down and talk to someone. Since moving to selfish America, no one has done that.

A few more hours passed until the door banged open. "Oh my God," left my mouth before I could even stop it.

"He's lost a lot of blood," Velez rushed around the get whatever he needed but I immediately went over to him.

"Reno what happened?" I asked but he remained quiet. "Reno!" I yelled trying to stay calm. Dro laid on the bed with his eyes barely open and blood all over his face and body. I checked for bullet wounds but there are none. I pressed, gently, over his body to check if anything was broken or swollen.

"Ahh," He screamed out in pain after I pressed on his ribs.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I usually don't act like this in these situations but this is Alessandro, a man that I... admire.

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