Chapter 21

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"That was the big news," Shay smiled.

"You want a winter wedding?" I asked her with eyebrows raised. I hate the cold so I'd never do it but she can have fun with that.

"Yes! And would you like to be my maid of honor?" She had this huge kid smile on her face.

"Really?" I asked. I'm actually excited about being apart of a wedding. "Duh!"

"We're gonna have so much fun! Wedding planning and all," She downed another shot.

"Maybe I should drive you to my house and you can spend the night," I suggested and she shrugged.

"This is my song!" She got up and started dancing to an old Drake song.

"Shay, stop dancing like that," I called out. Reno would not like her twerking around the club. "Shay," I sternly said as if I were talking to my child.

"Stop killing the fun," She rolled her eyes.

"Better to kill the fun than your man to kill you," I muttered. "Lets go," I began pulling her out of the club and the whole way to the valet parking, she whined. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Didn't have to be so rude," She made a face and it was like that until we got the car. Once I started driving she fell asleep.

This girl better not throw up in my house or I swear we're going to have to fight. Haven't been in the house long enough for her drunk ass to be throwing up in it.

One of Alessandro's cars is sitting in my driveway as I pulled up. After he professed his love for me in the front of the club, he left. We agreed that we'd talk later.

"We're having a sleepover?!" Shay yelled as I helped her out the car. "Yay!"

"Shut up!" I groaned. My front door opened to Alessandro without a shirt on. Sweet baby Jesus, you never fail me.

"Ooooo! Y'all getting it on tonight?" Shay asked and Dro laughed.

"Please don't encourage her," I gave him a look and he put his hands up with this very sexy smirk on his face.

"I wanna get it on too!" Shay whined. "Where's Reno?"

"On a trip," Dro said and she made a face.

"You're always sending him somewhere!" She yelled then her body jerked as if she wanted to throw up.

"Hell no!" I pulled her to the kitchen trash can and she vomited. "That's nasty as hell, Shay,"

"I want to sleep," She groaned. I brought her to a guest room and tucked her in.

"Why do you drink so much Shay?" It's in her blood to drink but she never used to drink so hard.

"I lost it," she mumbled.

"Lost what?" I asked. Lost your mind? Yeah, you did and I'm going to help your African ass find it.

"My baby. I drink to he-" She started snoring. Shay was pregnant? What the hell? I left out of the room in shock. This is why she's behaving like this? Alcohol isn't going to help her right now.

"Grace, what's wrong?" Alessandro stopped me in my path.

"Shay," I shook my head, still in shock. "She told me that the reason why she drinks so much now is because she had a miscarriage,"

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