Extended Summary

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PERSONAL ASSISTANT NEEDED. People skills optional. Ability to take drink orders preferred. Personal mode of transport a MUST.

To Reply, Contact Dr. M's office:

(Idiots and those prone to knock-knock jokes need not apply.)

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Nobody in their right mind would respond to a help wanted listing so vague.

Enter Robin Banks, fresh out of high school, incredibly naive, and itching for something to beef up her résumé.

After, in her own words, stumbling through "eighteen years of pure mediocrity", Robin takes a gap year--gap year, in this case, being a euphemism for, I just didn't get into college.

Robin's year off is supposed to be a tiny detour on her way to medical school, but it unwittingly becomes a fork in the road for the teen when, in her desperate search for employment, she's hired as the PA and chauffeur of Doctor Mayhem, a snarky, middle-aged, not-so-super villain. Together, the two cause all levels of mischief in the prim-and-proper town of Jiminyville, and it's all fun and games until autumn swings back around.

Dedicated to Kaitlyn, for reading it before anyone else, and also for sending me gifs of Tobey Maguire's face.

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