Reece Speaks (Again): I just like the revenge!

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**It supposed to be Brandon's turn but he's been busy with a project which is really important so I decided to double up. He will update next time!**

Reece Speaks: I just like the revenge!

Okay, so picture this.

You're home alone and exhausted from school/university/work/ so you make yourself a cup of coffee and lay your fat ass down on a couch in front of the TV.

At that moment, life is perfect. You just want to relax, spend some time my yourself, maybe masturbate a lil... hey, whatever floats your boat.

As soon as you get comfortable, the fucking phone rings. To make things worse, it isn't even an emergency! It's those telemarketers that want to sell you a fucking vacuum cleaner that blow dries your freaking hair as well.

I mean seriously, don't you think if I wanted something I would pick up the phone and call them instead?

So anyway, I used to always complain to Dean about this because they used to call me every freaking day. One day, Dean came over to my house and we decided to basically prank the marketers who phoned me. It was hilarious!

Here were some of the short conversations I had with them when I was in a hurry:

Marketer: So we're basically giving you a 2-for-1 special and your car will never be dirty again!
Reece: Great! Hey, if you are black listed because you are in debt, do you think I'd get accepted for a loan?
*Dead Line*

Marketer: And you also get 7 gigabytes free for the first two months!
Reece: So chu tell me that if I buy and you sell, then I sell you to buy?
Marketer: Sorry?

*I cut the call*

Marketer: Well if you give me your credit card details, we can do it right now!
Reece: Great! Can I use my mom's?
Marketer: Do you not have your own?
Reece: I'm 13.

*awkward silence*

Anyway, I decided to play around with a few for a while because it's the perfect prank call!

Firstly, they would never suspect anything considering they're the ones calling us. Secondly, they couldn't really swear and shit since they're at work and thirdly, they won't call again! It was a win-win.

Hope you enjoy!


I kept a tape recorded next to my phone so I could press record whenever I realized a marketer phoned. I changed company names in these calls.

*Ring Ring*

Reece: Hello?

Marketer: Hello, this is Fred ***** calling from Carpet Cleaners Inc. (This is where I pressed record, just for interest.)

Reece: Hurro Rob.

Marketer: No, it's Fred. We at Carpet Cleaners have a special March offer!

Reece: The man you phone has died, Rob.

Marketer: Fred. And I'm sorry, what?

Reece: He died last night, it was murder. Hmmmm what chu say your name was again?

Marketer: It's Fred ***** and you are?

Reece: I'm detective Richard Low but the force knows me as Dick... Dick Low. How are you related to Reece?

Marketer: I'm a telemarketer. I'm not related to him.

Reece: And I'm not related to a dick yet here we are.

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