{4} Flying Over the Island for Oreos

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"Okay, girls, that was a good training!" Coach Leslie claps her hands as we crowd around her. "Go shower, you stink. Apparently you haven't heard of a thing called deodorant."

We just roll our eyes as coach jokingly pinches her nose and walks off into her office.

As we're walking to the locker room, someone runs up next to me and throws their arm over my shoulder.

"Hey, Jelly."

"Hey, Zel." I greet back, turning my head to look at him. Further away, I see Jayden and River catching up to us.

"Sooo, Friday Night Movie Night!" I shout excitedly, making Raziel chuckle just as River and Jayden catch up to us.

"Friday Night Movie Night?" River questions confusedly.

"Yeah, these two have best friend movie nights every Friday." Jayden explains.

"Best friend? I thought they were cousins." River states.

"We are, but we're best friends, too." I tell him, making him nod.

"BFFL's." Raziel says in a fake, high-pitched, girly voice, making me laugh and play along.

"Best friends for life!" I squeal in an equally high-pitched voice.

"Okay, we need to make a quick run to the shops after school." Raziel states.

"Yeah, we need Skittles, M&Ms, popcorn, barbecue chips," I note.

"Soda, peach ice tea, Monster, V," he lists.

"And Oreos!" We finish in unison, high fiving.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure Raz and I got switched at birth and he's your real twin." Jayden voices his thoughts.

"What if you did?" I gasp.

His eyes widen along with mine.

"Then my whole life has been a lie."


"Mom! Dad!" Jayden and I run into the house with Raziel and River following behind us.

"Did Jayden and Raziel get switched at birth?!" I question as we find our parents in the kitchen. Mom sits at the island and dad stands across from her. I look at dad. "And are you making pizza?"

Dad nods. "Yes, I am."

"And, yes, Jayden and Raziel were switched at birth." Mom says with a straight face.

"What?!" Jayden, Raziel and I yell in unison.

Mom starts laughing. "I'm just kidding." She admits. "Jayden and Raziel were not switched at birth."

Just then, the timer on the oven dings and dad takes the Hawaiian pizza out of the oven, using the pizza cutter to slice it.

"Ooh, pizza." Jayden reaches his hand to take a slice but dad uses the oven mitt to slap his hand away.

"Oh, hell no." He shakes his head. "This is for Best Friend Movie Night."

"Dad!" Jay whines, rubbing his hand. "You make the best pizza though!"

"Nuh uh, if you want pizza, I know a great place. Amazing pizza. It's a five star restaurant." Dad starts, watching as Jayden's face lights up. "It's called Dominos."

I burst out laughing and hide my face in Raziel's shoulder when Jayden glares at me.

"Damn, that sounds like a great place." I tease. "Why don't you take Sally out to dinner there."

Sally Jones. Daughter of the one and only Samantha Jones. And, according to mom, a dickbreathed exact copy of Samatha. She's been crushing on Jayden, Raziel and Hunter for years, and now that River's started our school, no doubt she'll be crushing on him too.

"I hate you." He mumbles to me, pouting.

"Love you, too, bro." I breathe out between laughs.

"Hey, River." Mom greets, chuckling at Jayden and I.

"Hey, Mrs Paris." River greets back.

"Kid, how many times have I told you to call me Storm?"

"Uh, only about five....hundred."

Mom laughs, giving him a hug.

Okay, how the hell is it that my family so close to this kid and I haven't even met him once?!

"Anyway," Jayden pipes up. "Is it alright if I stay over at River's tonight? Okay, thanks! Love you! Bye!"

He starts running to the door but mom grabs him by the back of his t-shirt and pulls him back.

"Excuse you, little man, but did we say you could go?" Mom question, raising a brow as dad chuckles at the scene.

"Well, I thought I heard that quiet 'yes' echoing in the distance." Jayden stalls.

"Kayden, are you sure you didn't drop him on his head as a baby?" Mom turns to look at dad who was stuffing Oreos in his mouth. "I think he's delusional."

"No?" Crumbs fell out of dad's mouth when he stated his answer, which sounded more like a question.

"Hey, those are my Oreos!"

And with that, mom flies over the island and tackles dad to the ground.

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