{11} Magic Mike

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As soon as I open the door to the Twin-Cave and walk down the stairs, I'm faced by four pairs of raised eyebrows.

"What?" I question as Ashlynn, Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla all look at me with their arms crossed and expectant faces.

"How is it that we're at your house for girls night before you?" Beyonce asks me, tapping her foot.

"How come you're one and a half hours late?" Magik questions.

"Yeah, we should have been half way into watching Magic Mike XXL by now!" Ashlynn whines. "Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops really want to see some hot guys."

"Where have you been?" Shakayla asks patiently, being the mom.

"I was at River's house."

And suddenly, I'm tackled onto the mattresses with four girls on top of me.

"You were at River's house?!" They all yell in unison.

"Uh, yeah." I say, rolling out from underneath them. "Problem?"

"Yeah, problem is, that you went to River's house and didn't tell us!" Bey squeals.

"I was supposed to tell you guys that I was at River's house?"

"Well, duh." Magik rolls her eyes, stuffing some popcorn in her mouth.

"Anyway, what happened?" Ash asks excitedly, bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Nothing much." I say. "I met his sweet mom, his adorable little sister, and saw Leo again. Oh, and I found out his middle name."

"You found out his middle name?!" They yell in unison again.

I nod. "Yup, it's Forest, it's my new nickname for him."

"So we have a Devil and a Forest." Magik acknowledges slowly, nodding her head.

We all burst out laughing.

"I don't think Devils and forests go together." Beyonce giggles.

"Well, yeah." Ashlynn agrees. "Devils mean fire and forests mean trees. Fire and trees means bush fire."

"Oh my gosh, Bush Fire," Shakayla laughs. "I ship it."

"Oh, oh, I got a better one!" Magik interrupts. "Rivel!"

"Hell yeah, Rivel for the win!" Beyonce squeals, clapping her hands.

"I ship it!" Shakayla repeats.

"Definitely!" Ashlynn nods.

"No, no Rivel, no Bush Fire, no River and Angel!" I deny.

"Awh, look, she's denying it. Rivel is definitely going to get together."


Two hours and seven bowls of popcorn later, we lounge on the mattresses, arguing about what movie to watch next.

"Alvin and the Chipmunks!" Shakayla screams.

"Dumb and Dumber!" Magik shouts back.

"Titanic!" Beyonce argues.

"I don't know about you, but I don't feel like watching someone say 'I'm flying' even though they're just hanging off the front of a ship." I scoff, disagreeing with Beyonce. "I say Nightmare on Elm Street."

"MAGIC MIKE XXL!" Ashlynn screeches, making us jump in surprise.

"Man, you really want to see Matt Bomer strip, don't you?" I question, rubbing my ear.

"Well, yeah. That boy is finer than China." Ash sighs dreamily.

"Yeah, well, uh, we're not watching Magic Mike XXL, soo-"

Ashlynn's eyes narrow and her brown eyes darken. Her face breaks into a glare and she snarls.

Holy penis-nuts, she looks possessed.


"Okay, okay, we'll watch Magic Mike XXL, goddamn." I say, jumping away from her.

"No one will be watching Magic Mike!" Jayden announces, walking down the stairs of the Twin-Cave followed by River, Raziel and Hunter. "I am not letting my baby sister and cousin watch grown men strip while humping the air and dancing to Raining Men."

"One minute. You're only one goddamn minute older than me, you numnut!" I exclaim, glaring at him.

"Whatever." He waves me off and takes the DVD from Magik. "My point is, no one is going to be watching Magic Mike."

"Well, good thing we were going to watch Magic Mike XXL." I point out as Ashlynn holds up the DVD.

So, Jayden, being the idiot he is, takes the DVD, making Ashlynn look possessed again.

"Bro, she's going to kill you." I state. "Run."

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