{39} Operation Joshlynn

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Jayden and Magik are talking, occasionally kissing.

Raziel and Beyonce are snuggling while Bey feeds Raz fries.

Hunter and Shak are full on making out.

Ugh, we're eating. Stop!

"Hey, Ash, want half of my sandwich?" Josh offers holding out half of his chicken sandwich.

Ashlynn smiles shyly, slightly blushing. "Sure. Thanks, Joshy."

He blushes.

Aww cuties!

I turn to River and see him already looking at me with a knowing look on his face.

"Hey, guys, I just remembered I need to go talk to Mrs McKlay and River has to come with me. Bye!" I pull River out of his seat and drag him out of the cafeteria before anyone has time to say anything.

"Use protection!" Magik calls after us.

"Wha-NO!" Jayden shouts. "Don't use protection. Don't do it at all!"


"Smooth, Angel." River chuckles as we make our way towards Mrs McKlay's classroom.

"Shush up." I grumble.

"I thought you were a better actress than that." He carries on.

"You're mean to me!" I exclaim, letting go of his hand and walking in front of him.

"Aw, come on Devil, I was joking!" He defends.

I ignore him.

All of a sudden, he grabs my wrist and spins me around, pressing his lips to mine.

He pulls away a few seconds later and rests his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry, babe."

"And you said I wasn't a good actress." I smirk smugly, hearing his deep chuckle.

"You guys are literally Stayden 2.0." A voice pipes up from behind me.

We find Mrs McKlay standing in the doorway of her classroom.

"You know about Stayden?" I question as we walk into her class.

"Angel, I created Stayden." Mrs McKlay tells me, sitting down behind her desk. River and I pull up two chairs and sit in front of her.

"That was you?!"

"Yup." She laughs. "Anyway, what can I help you with?"

"How did mom get Uncle Cole and Aunt Kyla together?" I ask her as River lazily lounges in his seat, playing with my fingers.

"Ah, the memories of the Legendary Summer-Storm Paris." Mrs McKlay chuckles, remembering mom. "Well, she, along with your father, Uncle Nate and Uncle Reese actually got them all detention. All she had to do was smush their faces together and make them kiss."

"That's all?" River questions, surprised. "I guess I know what we're doing to Ash and Josh."

"No, River." Mrs McKlay shakes her head. "Ashlynn and Josh aren't like Cole and Kyla. They're more shy and innocent. If you smush they're faces together, there no doubt it'll be awkward between them. Plus, Summer-Storm's the only one who could really pull that little stunt off."

"What do we do then?" I ask her, lacing my fingers with River's.

"All you need to do is give them a little push and let them do the rest themselves." She tells us wisely.

"Thanks, Mrs McKlay." I smile, getting up with River. "You're the best. No wonder mom loves you so much."

"No problem, Ang." She grins.

River and I walk to the door, but Mrs McKlay calls out to us as I open it.

"Angel, River!"

We turn around.


"You two are adorable." She grins. "Rivel! I ship it!"


"Hey, Joshy!" I catch up to him as he walks to his locker.

"Hey, Angie." He smiles warmly at me as we reach his locker. "What's up?"

"The ceiling." I answer instantly, making him chuckle. "Anyway, what's going on between you and my cousin?"

"There's nothing going on between Ashlynn and I." He shakes his head.

I smirk. "I never said which cousin."

He face palms. "For the love of God!"

"Now, what's going on between you and my sister?"

"Nothing-I-well--fuck it!" He stutters. "I really, really like her but I'm too scared to ask her out."

I blink. "I respect you."

"Wha-why?" He looks at me in confusion.

"I have never met a guy who's admitted that he's scared to ask a girl out." I explain. "Thank good not all guys are egotistical putas."

He chuckles. "Anyway, what do I do?!"

He puts his hands on my shoulders, shaking me.

"First of all, you should stop trying to kill me!" I slap his hands off me as he smiles apologetically. "And, B, just ask her out."

He blinks. Once. Twice. "Like, just, ask her out?"

"Just ask her out." I repeat. "Before some other guy swoops in and wins her heart."

That's a complete lie, Ash would never go out with anyone else, seeing as she's so in love with Josh, but it did the trick.

His eyes widen. "I've gotta find Ashlynn!"

He takes off down the hall.

"Hey, wait!" I follow him.


We finally find Ashlynn by the big oak tree at the front of the school.

"Ashlynn!" Josh pants as he comes to a stop in front of her.

"Hey, Joshy." She smiles up at him.

Josh pulls her up and hands her the bouquet of Roses I had stolen from Ms Hayfer's desk when Josh and I were looking for Ash.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" Ashlynn replies immediately with a big grin on her face before she clears her throat. "Uh-I mean, sure."

I clap my hands.

"I really am Cupid's Assistant!"

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