Part 2

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After sometime, RK walks back in to find Madhubala sitting on the bed with the blanket still clutched to her chest as she cried. Seeing him she quickly wipes her tears. He waited for her to cry foul and demand he pay more money for her and then he would tell her he will not pay her a penny more, because it was simply not his fault that she was stupid. "There is no use crying over it now, is there?" she asks him. "No." "I was stupid." "You were." "I should have told him the truth." "You should have." "Then you wouldn't have paid for me." "I wouldn't have." He waited for her tantrum so he could have all of it behind him, and tell her that he was not going to let her off anytime now, they were not done yet. She remained silent for a while. "Would I have liked it with any other man the way I liked it with you?" she asks him finally looking at him. And for the first time in his life, Rishabh Kundra was rendered speechless.

He walks towards her after what felt like hours and gently pulls her up. As she looked at him in confusion he takes her lips in his and gently starts kissing her. The moment his lips touched hers Madhu forgot everything except the passion she had found in his arms and with him. She kisses him back and leaving her hold on the blanket hugs him as the blanket slithered down her body pooling around her feet.

Madhu wakes up early in the morning having not slept through the night due to their love making and the AC. She will freeze to death one day. Seeing her legs entangled with his she blushes. She liked him, she decided as she watched him sleep like an innocent baby, she knew there was nothing innocent about him but he was a nice man. He had told her the truth and she knew not many would do that. She liked his honesty and also because... she blushes thinking about their night long activity. She quickly untangles her leg from his without waking him up and goes to take her shower. Changing into another salwar she hurries to the kitchen to make tea. She remembers him telling her that she was to stay here, and she tried to get familiar with the place. It was a one bedroom flat with a living cum dining room with open kitchen. It was not that big apartment but she still liked it. It was far from home but with a little touch here and there she could make it her home, after all it was she who was going to stay here. Then she wondered whether he would like her to make changes to his house?

She hears the door open suddenly and looks at the door to see him standing there frowning. Seeing her he looked shocked. He walks towards her and asks "What are you doing?" "Making tea. I've kept for you also." Madhu tells him. RK leans on the counter as he watched her, waking up to find her missing he had thought she had left but here she was making tea. He watches as she opened the cupboards and took stock. "There isn't much here. Only cornflakes. Will you have that for breakfast?" she asks him as she turned to him. RK nods and says "I just got this place two days back, so there are no food items in here. Yesterday, Bittuji just got the necessary items." "Bittuji?" "My manager." Madhu nods. She pours his tea into the cup and hands it to him. He takes it and drinks it as he watched her drink it. "Why didn't you ask me for more money?" he asks her. "You gave the money you promised. It is not your fault I was stupid." Madhu tells him frowning at him, disappointed that he would ask her that. RK nods as he curiously watched her. "Can you tell me your routine so I can be prepared?" Madhu asks him hesitantly. "I don't stay here. I come and go when I feel like it." He tells her. Madhu nods at him, that helped a lot. "But you said I should be ready for you when you come. So how will I know when you are coming?" "You just have to be ready for me." he tells her shrugging. "Do you have any number that I can contact you... if any situation arises and I need to contact you." RK starts telling her his numbers. "Wait... I have no super memory to remember numbers." She tells him as she hurriedly ran around to find a pen and paper. Finally giving up she comes back with her cell phone and saves his number. "What's your number?" he asks her. "After I call my chacha and check whether Mukund gave them the money, I am going to destroy that sim." Madhu tells him. "He knows?" "No. he thinks that I got a job as a maid abroad and this is the advance salary payment. He didn't want me to go away but then it was Didu's wedding and we needed the money so badly. I won't be able to attend it now. It is this weekend." Madhu tells him. "Why did you decide on this?" RK asks her curiously. "There was no other way I could get so much money this quickly." Madhu tells him. RK nods. They silently drank their tea. "Is it okay if I change some things in here?" Madhu asks hesitantly. RK starts glaring at her, "Change what?" "You said I am going to stay here, so I thought maybe I will put some curtains and cushions in here." Madhu tells him. "You are staying here, but it is still my apartment. Just because you are my mistress and sleeping with me doesn't mean you have a right over my things." He angrily tells her. "Sorry." Madhu tells him as she looked down at her cup. He was right, just because they slept together and she liked him it doesn't mean she should act as if they are a married couple and this as their home. One day he will grow tired of her and throw her out, just thinking about that hurt her bad. "These furniture are hideous!" RK says appalled. She looks at him as he looked around the apartment. "All these came with the apartment." RK tells her then looking at her for a while he says, "Okay, make whatever changes you want. Throw these out and get new ones. I'll have Bittuji come with you for the shopping." "Throw them out?" Madhu asks shocked. "A little touch here and there, it would look good." Madhu tells him. "Do whatever you want. I have no time for this." RK tells her and walks back to the room. She follows him for lack of anything else to do. She watches as he opened one of the wardrobe and took out his clothes. "You can use the other one." RK tells her.

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 1: Beauty & The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now