19. Day Twelve - With Raven

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Twenty two unchecked voicemails. Raven's contemplating on if she should listen to them, even though she knows they'll just be from Prius, ranting on how much of an idiot she's being. It's not her fault. Malcolm. It's all Malcolm's fault, he's the one who made Raven feel like shit two days ago. He's the one who's been making her feel like that since they met. And now she's done with it. She can't cope anymore.

Trying to ignore the thought of the group. Raven reads aloud her script, for an audition she'd be having in a few hours. In L.A, auditions are going on every minute. It's not that hard to get one.

Her phone goes off for another time. Raven gulps. It just keeps on vibrating. It won't shut up. It won't shut up. It won't - not able to take it anymore. Raven takes hold of the phone and answers it. "What!" she snaps.

"Whoa," a familiar voice - Quincy's - whistles at Raven's tone.

"Omigosh, Quincy I didn't mean to yell," Raven immediately apologizes. "It's just, I thought you were Prius or Mal-"

She gets cut off, "save it, Rave. No need to explain. How're you?"

"Honestly, I'm not even sure," Raven huffs. "I've got an audition in a couple hours that I'm not prepared for, I have over twenty unread voicemails, I flew back to Los Angeles to get away from Malcolm, but that just made things worse I bet, ugh, I'm such a coward!"

"No," Quincy says, "not a coward. You've got a lot on your plate. You can't finish every last crumb."

Raven grins, she's always liked Quincy's metaphors for life, they always found a way to help. "How're you, Quincy? How was Fiona's birthday?"

"Fun. We went clubbing," Quincy replies.

Raven grunts, "dammit, so I leave once you guys do the fun stuff!"

Quincy laughs, "apparently so. I just wish you'd come back for your birthday."

"Considering it being tomorrow, I dunno if I'll be able to," Raven admits. "And I'm still not sure if I'm positive I'd even want to."

Quincy nods, understandingly. "Well, if you change your mind. Rave, everyone misses you. And yes, I mean everyone." She stretches the word out.

Raven bites her lip. "I should go, practice my lines." And with that said, she hangs up the phone. Raven drops the phone down next to her, closes her eyes. And allows herself to cry. Letting the script fall at her feet. Thinking about her life, thinking about how screwed up it been in high school, and how she's tried to base the rest of her life on that. For the past few years, her world has revolved around one thing, one thing that would never work out. Tears streaming down her face, now, Raven regrets every decision she's ever made from the last four years.

A/N - This chapter is extremely short, I've noticed. It's been a long time since I've posted and I'm so sorry, but recently I've got this huge motivation boost to wanna keep on writing, cause I've been on the bricks lately. I got so excited for writing again that I finished this chapter and right after it I started writing a brand new chapter that was supposed to be so long!!! It was crazy long, explaining and hinting so many things on how the story's gonna end, and there were so many main cliffhangers happening!!! Sadly though, I was writing this chapter on notes on my iPad... and it got deleted... Believe me, I was devastated and wanted to breakdown because I put so much effort into the chapter!!! And I lost a lot of my motivation, but hey. Everything's done better the second time, so don't worry. I'll be rewriting the chapter soon and soon will be another update!!!

lotsa love and literature 


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