Chapter 4 - Feelings

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I dismembered my guns and put it back together in record time, again. Why do I have to be so nice with that pervert! She's the one who walked in on me while I'm naked! This is another reason why I insisted on having the room on my own! I sighed and looked at all the weapon I own on the table.

Varvara did said I shouldn't be too narrow minded and thought about my late parents teaching. But, I can't just simply let it go. I was born as a Artem. And an Artem always stayed in the past. Not the present. "Evara.." Faina called out to me. "Are you done with the inventory? If so let's have something for dinner. I'm hungry."

"I'm done. Let's." When I turned to my best friend, I wondered what she's wearing. She's wearing a black lace dress and deep V cleavage. I can totally see her cleavage because of her big-breasted chest. "Stop staring at me. At least I got the job done. He was so rough to handle."

She sighed. "Are you hurt?" She shake her head. I'm glad. Knowing Faina injured in her mission will make me angry. She's the fragile one in the group. While Varvara is the brain and Zoya the 'think-before-you-act' kind of girl. I'm simply following their orders. That's how we rolled.

"You need to change to a decent clothing first." She laughed and changed right in front of me. She buttoned her dress shirt and walked towards the door. "Faina.. the skirt." I threw her the skirt and waited for her to put it on. "Don't walk around without your skirt again." She chuckled and we walked out of the underground facility.

"What do you think of Irina?" She suddenly asked me while waiting for the elevator. "What is there to think about?" I bantered. "Oh come on. Only idiots will not see her beauty. And that rugged attitude she has really turns everyone on. Plus she have this mysterious side we don't know about."

She's right. She does looked mysterious. We both entered the elevator. When it moved, Faina sad something again. "I think Varvara like her. She's been asking about her everyday. She seem worried as well." She's right. Varvara does do that a lot now. She never show any type of special treatment to the other student before.

"Aren't you jealous seeing Irina and Athena close together?" Her question startled me. "Wha.. she broke up with me. There's no need to be jealous of someone who close to Athena." I lied but I know she can sense it. Faina always have that vibe.

"You really need to learn how to lie to me and the others." Faina voiced out. When the elevator door opened, Zoya was waiting for them at the other side of the door. "Oh. Hey. Wanna join us?" Faina invited her. She didn't say anything but she followed us closely.

"I walked past the room where Varvara and Irina have their little talk. Is it true Irina saw you naked?" I stopped dead on my track and turned around. "WHAT?! SHE TOLD HER?" Zoya nodded her head. "That's mean... wait, is it in your culture when someone saw you naked you automatically his or her wife? Regardless the gender."

Thank you for stating the fact Faina. I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I was hoping she wouldn't know about that. Let's hope Varvara didn't say anything about my culture." Suddenly Zoya chuckled. "Too late. She knew." My eyes widen. Varvara!!! "Well I'm not living in the past anymore. I'm a modernised Artem."

Zoya giggled. "I'm glad. Because I heard Athena telling her friends that she want to date Irina. It's good that you're modernised Artem." I can sense she's having fun telling me this heart aching drama to me. "So? I don't mind she's dating that bitch. She's only my roommate."

"Who saw you naked twice." Thank you Faina for being the one telling me the bad news. But, I have to admit, knowing Athena wanted to be with Irina... making me a little bit unsettled. I sighed heavily as I walked in the cafeteria. "I heard the classical music student will be doing Bayushki Bayu for the opening act." Zoya informed us.

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