Part One

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A/N so this is he start of another newbie, think that you'll all recognise a few of the characters! Hope that you enjoy!  Comments as always so very welcome, Mz

Chapter One

Lizzie sat in the hospital waiting room and felt the ache in her heart grow and start to encompass her body. Janis. She stifled a sob, her only sister dead. She couldn't believe it, she wouldn't believe it. She'd only left home that morning, bundled herself and little Nathan into the car and driven off waving, as they did every morning. Lizzie knew she was crying, she could feel the tears splash on her bare legs. Despite it being late January in the north of England, she rarely wore more than shorts.

Someone entered the waiting room and she dropped her eyes not wanting anyone to see her cry. But they came towards her, and sat down next to her. Turning she spotted the long slim hands of the doctor who'd shared the news seconds earlier.

"I brought you's good for shock. I thought you'd like some."

TEA! She wanted to scream, no I don't want tea, I want Janis back, alive, well, laughing.

Instead she gulped and took the polystyrene cup, and sat up, as she made to swipe at her tears with her sleeve, he held out an old fashioned handkerchief.

"Is there anyone we can phone? The police can help with next of kin..."

She shook her head, "I'll drive to my parents later. My father isn't well...they wouldn't be able to get here."

"And her son?"

She sighed, "Nate? He's in nursery; I'll collect him when you're done with me." As she thought of the four year old darling boy, she stifled another sob, how would he live without her?

The doctor smiled sadly at her when she finally met his eyes, and she knew that if she'd met him in any other circumstances that she'd have thought about flirting, he was a good looking man, she could tell in the seconds that she could peak through the grief.

At that moment there was a knock at the door and two uniformed police officers entered, "hi Miss Breen. We were just hoping to ask you a few questions."

Nodding she thanked the doctor then turned back to the officers, she'd already had to identify her dead sister, her big sis who'd been everything to her. Now she had to answer questions...before telling her four year old nephew and parents what had happened.

She wasn't sure she would survive the day.

Oscar smiled up at Krystal as she emerged from the bathroom, naked and danced across the room to him. She was fun, he couldn't deny that, and after a few years, well he wasn't close to feeling bored of her. Marriage? The M word wafted in his head far too often in the eighteen months since his best friend had married his own sister. They were besotted, made for each other, he and Krystal...they were a long way from that.

Giggling Krystal slid her exotic body under the blanket beside him and ran her hands down his chest, "you miss me Foxy?"

Rolling onto his back, he let her climb all over him, her enhanced breasts pressing against his neck, her lips on his forehead, "you've been in the shower for like ten minutes."

She nodded, rubbing her body up against him, "and you didn't're doing a lot of that lately...missing out."

He laughed, "because I took an extra ten minutes of shut eye before getting up?"

She wriggled but looked a little sadder than she had when she had started the tease, "there was a time when you couldn't get enough of me."

That was true, because as much as he enjoyed being with her, he still had no inclination to take things further. Maybe the time was wrong...because he liked her...a lot. They'd spent a lot of time together over the last five years. He really needed to get a grip on things.

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