Part Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine

She came, she was like a mantra in his head as he lowered his lips to hers. Lizzie reached out and wrapped her arms around him, and he melted in to her. Never had a kiss meant so much, it brought them together and seemed to give them a neutral ground to battle things out. He duelled with her lips fighting to control her, to show her the depth of his feelings for her, but she wouldn't be cowed, instead she thrust her tongue into his mouth, tasting, teasing and exploring...and it was his undoing, Oscar collapsed on to the floor beside the sofa flat on his back and groaned.

" have no idea what you do to me!"

Her smile was suddenly coy as she pulled herself up to sitting and studied him from under hooded lashes, "I think I do."

Her eyes were focussed on his groin and he groaned, she was right; he was ready for her, desperate even.

"You unwind me, Miss Breen."

She reached out and ran a finger over his thigh, "unwind? Surely you mean the opposite. Because right about now I think I'm winding you UP!"

He groaned dropping his head back to the floor and closing his eyes, "we should talk, Lizzie..."

From her position sat on the sofa, looking down at him, she felt incredibly powerful; he was literally squirming on the floor, due to her hand sitting on his thigh. Talk? They definitely needed to do that, but not now. He'd dropped the 'L' bomb on her, and she was struggling to control the racing of her heart and the rising nausea. She couldn't begin to comprehend all that he was saying, wouldn't allow herself to believe it. Not really. But she wanted him, wanted this SO badly.

She was exhausted, they'd travelled for the best part of twenty four hours to get there, Nate had been asleep on his feet and had collapsed into the bed as soon as they'd gotten into the hotel room...and that had been no easy feat, after all, she wasn't part of the booking. But fortunately a female receptionist had taken pity on her, Nate draped in her arms as she juggled their suitcase. She could probably lose her job, but Lizzie had never been more grateful to someone for breaking the rules.

Dropping to one knee, she lifted the other across Oscar's prostrate body and sat on to him, astride his waist. That made his eyes pop open, wide. Watching her as she reached down to slowly unbutton his shirt, his eyes didn't leave her.

"Is this you distracting me?" He asked, before gasping when her hands ran over his bare chest. "Using you wiles to stop us talking?"

She gave him another coy smile, "I don't know what you're talking about...I've travelled a couple of thousand miles...just thought I'd claim my reward!"

He grinned, reaching up to cup her face, "is that what I am? A reward?"

She bit her bottom lip, her bravado was starting to fade, "I was hoping so."

He chuckled, "don't lose your confidence now, darling. You've come so far."

Lizzie hated that she felt tears well in her eyes, and he couldn't deal with that, so he flipped them over, so that he was towering above her, that was where he needed to be, back in control. With a growl, he dropped his head and devoured her lips, teasing with more enthusiasm than she'd tried with him earlier.

Within moments he had that t-shirt off, but her skinny jeans were a bloody nightmare. Laughing he sat back on his heels, "lift your legs, one at a time."

He used all his effort to slide the fabric off, then with a grunt of victory tossed them into the corner of the room. When he looked back at her, she was grinning at him.

Count On Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें