Part Thirty Six

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A/N Sorry, it seems I've inadvertently become the Queen of Suspense, wasn't intentional I swear. Just had MORE internet problems, have a new phone line being put in this week, hopefully...the end of my connection issues! Hope you enjoy, xx

Chapter Thirty Six

"Eggs Benedict," Lizzie looked at the plate in front of her and groaned, "this is truly my favourite breakfast."

Oscar smiled at that, he loved nothing more than to see Lizzie happy, satisfied, and dare he say, enjoying herself.

"I'll have to remember that," he offered.

That made her pause, her fork halfway to her mouth, "really?"

He laughed, "yes. If I'm going to make you breakfast in the future, then I'd love to get maximum points for that."

She laughed, laying her fork back down, "ok. Who are you, and what have you done to annoying and controlling Oscar?"

That made him laugh harder, "you kill me."

She picked up her fork and started to eat, all the while a smirk adorning her face, and Oscar couldn't stop grinning. Times like this made him realise that there was so much he'd been missing out on in life.

They ate in comfortable silence, both ravenous after their sleepless night.

"So I'm meeting my boss on Monday," Lizzie offered as she sat back in her chair. "So I may not be able to collect Nate from school. Will you be able to get him?"

Oscar nodded, glad that she'd revisited the topic of work. She'd briefly mentioned it the previous night, and it angered him. She had told him that she wasn't exactly happy in her job; she'd even hinted that she'd gone into the field for all the wrong reasons. He had hoped that she'd start to realise that she could do what she wanted. He was happy to financially support her and Nate whilst she made those decisions, but already he knew that suggesting that could see him shot down in flames. So he aimed a little more neutrally.

"Why are you rushing? You've got the opportunity to work out what you want to do."

She sipped at her coffee silently, and he cringed, had he ruined the moment?

"I have to work, Oscar. I need to get back and crack on. I've been off a couple of months, and I need to get my life back in order."

He sat back in his chair, "I get that. But just take stock, if you don't readdress your life when all this happens, they you never will. That's all."

She was contemplative for a long moment, and then gave a small nod, "I can see what you mean, but I have bills to more than ever."

He sighed, "look, Janis bled you dry. And with her passing that becomes my responsibility. OK? You shouldn't be struggling because of her."

Leaning forward, she reached out to put a hand over hers, "I appreciate you saying this, but honestly it's fine. I need to go back to HAS to go on."

Oscar wanted her to take stock, things through more than anything, but he knew that she was getting defensive. "Promise me that you'll think about it, that you'll just listen to what I said?"

She rolled her eyes, "you're a persistent bastard, aren't you?"

Winking he drained his coffee, "I am known to be."

Lizzie gathered her things together and then asked him, "so you're working today."

"For a few hours."

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